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Caroline's P.O.V

The time is winding down to my wedding day and I feel like everything that could go wrong is going wrong. After my dress rehearsal last week was canceled, the tailer who was suppose  to alter my dress canceled because they decided they were too booked. Then my cake person was running late and rescheduled on the day I was suppose to have a meeting with the caterer, so now I have to reschedule that too. I'm so easily stressed that this is getting to me.

I sighed and tried to think positively, as long as things go smoothly from today, I think I can keep my sanity. I walked up stairs to our room to check on Kasper and see if he's ready yet, they should be here pretty soon. "Are you dressed?" I asked and he turned to face me. He is wearing a white shirt with black jeans "Yes I'm good to go." He said walking over to me. I smiled up at him as he pulled me into his arms and gave me a soft kiss, he took his free hand and grabbed onto my throat giving a light squeeze. I broke the kiss "Kasper, the cake people are coming over soon." "How soon?" He asked. His thumb rubbed against my lower lip, I couldn't look away from his piercing eyes, as I was about to speak the doorbell rang. He sighed "Fuck, this isn't over." He said and I smirked, we both went downstairs and opened the door for the baker.

A middle aged woman named Lilian walked in carrying a box of cake samples along with different icing options, she smiled warmly at me "Alright, I brought ten different flavors for you both to try and three different flavors of frosting. At the end you can let me know which you both prefer and we can get this started." She said. We nodded our heads in agreement and then she set out the samples on the dining room table. The first flavor we tried was their signature Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, it's honestly one of my favorites.

I looked over at Kasper "What do you think?" I asked and he smiled "I like it but red velvet was never much of my favorite." He said. I sighed "Dang I kinda liked this one, we can keep tasting." I said.

We tried about five different flavors and now we're on to the sixth flavor, I was about to try some icing when I heard Kasper cough. I turned to him "You alright? Did you need some water?" I asked, he shook his head and coughed some more "What's in this?" I asked Lilian. "Butter pecan, made with real pecans." She said, at this point his face is starting to turn red and get puffy "He's allergic!" I said and I shot out of my seat. "Oh my god what do I do?" She asked frantically. He started wheezing "His epipen is in the drawer left drawer!" I shouted.

Lilian ran to the drawer and threw me the epipen, I pulled Kasper's pants down to expose his thigh and stabbed the epipen into his leg. He started to take slow deep breathes and then slowly he started to breathe normally again, I held onto his hand the entire time to try and comfort him as best I could. "Please, I am so sorry, I had no idea you were allergic." Lilian said apologizing. "It's okay I'll be alright." Kasper said "But I could have sworn the health form I signed said he had an allergy." I said. Lilian shook her head "You called in and changed the forms." She said, I looked at her confused "You must be mistaken or he has another fiancé because I never called, can we see the number that called you?" I asked. She frowned "I'm sorry, it was a no ID caller. They gave your full name and said they were you." She said.

I looked over at Kasper and he had a nervous look on his face, "No worries, I understand. We're going to have to end this early." He said a little too calmly. Lilian politely packed her things and left at once, as soon as she was gone I turned to face Kasper. "Didn't you say weird things were happening regarding the plans for the wedding?" He asked. I nodded my head "Yea why?" I ask, he rubbed the back of his neck and sighs "This might be Elizabeth's doing." He said. I pretended to be shocked "Nooo What! Really?" I said sarcastically "I've been waiting for you to say something, I'm tired of looking like the crazy one." I said. He laughed "Stop this is serious, Caroline. Her father does extra business on the side, if you get what I mean. So her connections are strong." He said.

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