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Caroline's P.O.V

I felt so much anger start to grow inside me that I couldn't take it anymore, I punching him in face.

He stumbled back and chuckled while clutching his jaw "Really Caroline? Is that anyway to greet your father?" He said, "Get the fuck out of here." I spat "No that's not gonna work, I came all this way to see both of you and I'll be damned if I don't." He said. I went to speak again when he pulled out a gun and I froze dead in my tracks.

       He shook his head "Get in the house Caroline" he said as he motioned for me to move into the house, I slowly backed into the house and then I heard footsteps "Who was at the.." Penelope was saying till she saw him. Simon had a sick smile on his face "Ah look, my girls together again" he said grinning, "Come children let's go, we have some catching up to do" he said.

     I shook my head "No I'm not going anywhere with you" I spat, he frowned and cocked his gun "I SAID WE ARE LEAVING" he shouted causing us to jump, not soon after Kasper, Leon, and Wes ran to the doorway. When they saw the gun, they all came to an abrupt stop "Whats going on?" Leon asked, "I'm here to take my daughters home, thanks for reuniting us by the way, but we must go" he said.

      Kasper shook his head "No there must be some way we can work this out, do you want money? Is that what your after?" Kasper asked nervously, Simon turned and pointed his gun at Kasper and he moved back "Don't patronize me boy, I've come for them and only them" he said.

Tears came down my face "It's okay Kasper, I'll go with you, just don't hurt them and leave Penelope" I said, Simon smiled "We did always have fun didn't we Caroline? Okay, okay I'll take you. Let's go" he said. I slowly started to walk towards him when he roughly grabbed me and I winced, "This little... reunion was nice but ima have to cut it short." He said as he pulled me out of the door.

As we got outside and went to his car we saw his car tires had been slashed, he turned to me angry and waved the gun at my face "You Little bitch, did you have anything to do with this. Who else lives here huh?" he said.

As he said that I started to remember, that I didn't see Eden by the front door with us. "Only 3 people live there, the other man was my boyfriend and we came to visit" I said, "Don't fucking lie to me, who could have done this then?" He stated.

Then we heard the loud sound of a gun cocking and we both turned to see Eden holding a rifle, I let out a sigh of relief "Put the gun down and back away from her, and don't bother running, the police have already been called" Eden said. Simon dropped the gun and put his hands up in defense, soon after the police arrived and put Simon in handcuffs.

I hugged Eden as tears ran down my face "Thank you, you saved my life" I said, he gave me a smile "I couldn't watch that monster take you away" he said. We walked back inside and Penelope gave me a hug "You were willing to give your life for mine" she said sobbing, I sniffled "What are sisters for" I said.

I walked over to gasped and wrapped my arms around him and sobbed, Kasper hugged me tightly "It's all over now,I'm here" he said as he stroked my hair. "Hey, being that our day together was horribly interrupted, I was hoping you guys could stay for a while" Penelope said, I turned to Kasper for a approval and he nodded his head. "We would love to" I said Kasper gave me a kiss on the check "I'll be right back baby girl, I'll go get us some clothes from home" he said and I nodded my head.

Penelope smiled at me and took my hand, she took me to her room and we sat together "Today was seriously a mess" she said, I sighed and placed my head on her shoulder "Yea, but it could have been much worse. I'm just happy none of us were hurt" I said.

       Penelope sat up and turned to me "You never did tell me about your life, what ever happened after we were separated?" She asked, I sighed "I bounced around from family to family, till I was 15 and I ran away, I was homeless for years after. Till one rainy day, Kasper bumped into me and he saw me and took me home with him. He offered me a place to stay and he was just so charming I couldn't say no, I've been staying with him for a while now but we've been dating for about 7 months. " I said.

        Penelope smiled "How you guys met is, really cute. And I'm sorry if I'm intruding but I have to ask, are you his sub?" She asked, I blushed a deep red "I saw you asked him permission for things and he just has a dominant ora about him" she said. I smiled "Yea he is. I'm assuming you have the same dynamic with Eden."she smiled. We laughed and talked more about how we grew up, I told her what our mother was like, and we got to know each other better.

       Kasper had come back and I changed into my pajamas and I went back to Penelope's room to tell her goodnight, I knocked on her door "Hey, I just came to say goodnight" I said. I turned to walk back to my room when she stopped me "Please don't go, can you spend the night with me please." Penelope asked. I smiled and her and nodded my head, I walked over with her and laid down beside her and she put her head in my chest. This reminded me of when we were younger and she would always do this. It made me happy to be with my sister again.


        The next day, I showed Penelope moms ashes and told her about how loving she was and how happy she would be to see us together again. It made me so sad that she didn't get a chance to get to know her, "You looked just like her" I said and she smiled "I'd give anything just to see her for even 50 seconds" she said as a tear strolled down her face.

         I gave her a weak smile and whipped her cheek "Me too, she would be happy we made it out" I said, she sighed "Hey, I have an idea to cheer us up. I know a great ice cream place, and then I have to take you somewhere" she said. I smiled at her "Sure, let's go" I said.

        We went to a really nice ice cream shop and I got cookies and cream with gummy bears  and nerds and Penelope got the same, the next place she took me was a beautiful garden area. It started to drizzle a little bite and I frowned "Oh no, I hope what you have to show me is inside" I said and she smiled and shook her head.

     She grabbed a blanket from the trunk of the car and lead me into the garden area, we saw a huge tree and we went to it. For some reason the rain wasn't touching us under here, we laid the blanket down and the sun started to set. We saw the sun set and she pointed up to the stars and it was beautiful, "It's stunning, I've never seen so many stars" I said "Yea. In the city, you can't see all the stars because, everyone has so many lights on. But over here, the stars have a chance to shine and you can see them very clearly" she said.

        Yesterday was a horrible day, but today was beautiful and I had an amazing time with my sister.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday so here's the chapter I owe you guys, love ya and don't forget to comment and vote


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