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Caroline's P.O.V

When we went home I decided to take a quick shower before I went to bed, being in Elizabeth's house makes me feel sick after our encounter in the kitchen. She made me feel shitty as fuck, she's 3 months pregnant and hardly showing, meanwhile I feel like I look like I'm 9 months.

I ran the shower and looked at myself in the mirror as I stood in nothing but my bra and panties. I examined myself in all my flaw filled glory. I have a muffin top, with thick thighs, a large ass, and when I sit down I have a roll. I have cellulite and stretch marks, my arms also shake too, this is all nothing Elizabeth has. She has made me feel so ugly after her comment, no matter how minor it may have been. I didn't even bother to get in the shower, I couldn't stand looking at myself anymore.

For years I've struggled with my weight and when I was in school I would be bullied for it, I sighed and changed into a long sleeve shirt and long pants. I got into bed and laid beside Kasper, he looked at me funny "Why are you wearing so much clothes? You normally just sleep in an oversized shirt?" He said. I gave a small smile "Im cold is all, I'm not feeling well." I said lowly.

He sat up "Do you want me to make you some tea?" He asked and I shook my head "No thank you, I'll feel better in the morning hopefully. Goodnight." I said and I kissed him softly on the lips and turned to sleep. "Okay babygirl, goodnight." He said.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast, my stomach growled. I stretched and got out of bed, I headed to the bathroom first and then the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and smelled eggs and toasted bread with butter, it's simple but my favorite. Kasper sat at the table in the kitchen, he smiled at me "Good morning beautiful." He said "Good morning sir." I said smiling. He patted his lap motioning me to sit, I shook my head.

He raised an eyebrow at me "Come here." He said and I shook my head "No thank you sir, I'm good." I said, he shook his head "Come.Here." He ordered. Again I shook my head "Nah I'm good, I don't wanna break you." I said. He started to die with laughter, I blushed "Darling, you? Break me? I haven't heard such a funny joke in a while, now come here I won't repeat myself." He said.

I shook my head "I'm too heavy." I said, he stood up and walked over to me, I backed up till there was no where left for me to go. He towered over me making me shrink, I looked down "You calling me weak?" He questioned. I bit my lip and shook my head "No sir." I said.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him for support "What's up with you, you seem upset?" He asked, I looked away "It's nothing." I lied. He slapped my ass harshly making me yelp "Tell me what's wrong now, or face the consequences for lying." He said. I sighed "Last night at dinner, while I was helping Elizabeth wash the dishes. She made a comment about my weight and it's been bothering me. I'm sorry, I know it seems minuscule." I muttered.

He put me down "Come with me." He said as he took my hand and lead me upstairs to our bedroom walk in closet. There was a giant mirror in here that I dreaded to walk past "Take off your clothes." He said, I hesitated but did as he said and removed all my clothes exactly my bra and panties. "Now go stand in front of the mirror." He said, I inhaled sharply and walked in front of the mirror. I closed my eyes refusing to look at the reflection before me.

I heard him walk behind me and place his hands around me "Open you're eyes." He said, a tear strolled down my face as I opened my eyes. "What do you see?" He asked "Breathing imperfection." I said, he shook his head "You wanna know what I see? I see a naturally beautiful, strong women. Who in my eyes is the living embodiment of beauty. I love everything about you're body and I think anyone who has anything to say about it is just purely jealous." He said. I smiled as he wiped a tear away.

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