Twenty Four⛓

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Caroline's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs. Hathaway, I honestly never thought that I would be getting married but if I had to marry anyone, I'm extremely happy that it's Kasper.

I just keep saying 'Mrs. Caroline Hathaway' Over and over again in my head, I've never had a real family so to be welcomed into Kasper's just fills my heart with so much joy.

It was a few days later and Kasper and I came back home, I was making breakfast when Kasper came in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled "Good morning beautiful." He said making me blush, "Good morning." I said. "When do you wanna start planning?" I asked, he shrugged "Whenever your ready, I'm ready." He said. I nodded my head.

I put food out on the table and then I went to open a can of cat food for Rhaegar, I tapped on the can of food and waited for him to run in but he didn't. This isn't like him. I called out for him, but he still didn't show up. I placed the can down and went to go look for him, and that's when I noticed the backyard door was open.

My heart stopped, I decided to look all through the house before I had a full blown panic attack. I didn't see him at all and I began to cry as horrible thoughts filled my head, I went back to the kitchen "Did you leave the back door open?" I asked frantically.

He turned to me "No, why?" He asked "Well we're the only two people in this house and I can't find Rhaegar. So if it wasn't me then it was you." I stated. He stood up "I get that you're upset, but don't take that tone with me. I wasn't even the one who left the door open in the first place. Now calm down, we'll find him." He said.

I shook my head "You don't know that, he could be dead, or taken, or lost. God! Is it so hard to remember to lock a fucking door." I spat, the room fell silent, Kasper shook his head and began to walk to the front door. I walked after him with tears streaming down my face "Where are you going?" I asked, he turned to me "I'm gonna go look for Rhaegar, and when I find him and we come home, you're gonna learn to watch your tone." He said. He slammed the door and left.

I was so angry and sad that I felt like I could scream, I stormed off upstairs to our room and slammed the door. I really don't wanna be alone, all I could think is the worst and I don't want that. He was like my best friend and when ever I was sad it's like he always knew. I just laid in bed till my sadness pulled me to sleep.


I woke up and it was late, like around 4:30pm. I got up and called out for Kasper and he wasn't home yet, this just made me even sadder.

I couldn't stand the thought of him being out this long, so I decided to take the car out and go look for him. Maybe if two people were out looking it would be better. I got in my car and went out to look for him.

I began to get frustrated, I saw a bar and decided to stop for a drink. Maybe just one or two. I parked the car and walked into the bar that looked very familiar, I sat at a table and a waitress walked up to me. She gave me a smile "Hi, what can I get...." she stopped and looked at me hard "Well I'll be damned, Caroline Moore it's been a long time." She said.

I looked up at her "Misha? Oh shit I knew this place looked familiar." I said and I got up and gave her a hug, Misha was an old friend of mine back in my homeless days. Her father owed this bar and sometimes they would take me in on cold nights, she smiled "How've you been? I feel like it's been forever." She said.

She looked down at my finger and gasped at my ring "And you've went and got yourself a husband I see?" She said, I smiled "I've been great but I'm not married yet. I finally found someone who I can say gives me happiness." I said. And she smiled "Well what brings you by?" She asked and I sighed "I lost my cat and got in an argument with my fiancé. I went out to look for my cat when I decided I need a drink. And I ended up here, I couldn't recognize the place due to the renovations I guess." I said.

She grabbed a bottle from the bar and two shot glasses "Well then let's help you to unwind." She said, she poured me a shot and I we both took one. She went to pour me another but I stopped her "I can't drink too much." I said, she laughed "Looks like this new man got you whipped. This isn't the girl I knew." She said.

I smiled "Whipped? I'm far from it." All lies "I just don't really wanna over do it." I said, she nodded her head "What's one more shot, it won't hurt." She said. Back then one shot lead to another and then another and then wasted, but I have restraint so one more won't hurt.

Four More Shots Later...

Misha and I were reminiscing when I was hit with a memory from way earlier today, I left the back door open. I went to go add food to the bird feeder and I forgot to close it back, it's all my fault and I was so mean to Kasper. I sighed "It's been very nice reminiscing, but I think it's time I go home." Misha nodded her head.

We got up and gave each other a hug and exchanged numbers, I called myself an Uber and went home. I'll come back for the car later. When I got home I saw that Kasper's car was back in the driveway, I opened the door and went to the living room and saw Kasper sitting on the couch.

On the couch beside him was Rhaegar, I began to feel so shitty. I opened my mouth to speak when he raised his hand "Come closer and kneel." He said, I slowly walked over to him and kneeled in front of him. I looked down in shame "I was outside for hours searching. You were very rude this morning, and I can maybe over look that because of how upset you were. But when I came home, you weren't here. And to top that off your phone said u were at a bar." He said.

He looked down at me "Were you drinking?" He asked and I shook my head "Yes sir, but." I was saying till he stopped me "Did you have permission to do that?" He asked. I shook my head "No sir." I said. He picked my head up to look at him "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked, I sniffled "I'm so sorry. It was me who left the door open, I was wrong for speaking to you the way that I did, and I shouldn't have went to a bar. Please forgive me." I said crying.

He sighed and pulled me up into his arms and hugged me "I forgive you baby, I know you were just upset. And I can't fault you for having emotions." He said. I shook my head "No, I was very mean to you. And you don't deserve that, it wasn't even your fault. I deserve a punishment." I said.

He stroked my hair "No, the fact that you know you know what you did is wrong and want a punishment. Is punishment enough for you." He said, I smiled "You going soft on me?" I asked. He smirked at me "Don't push your luck." He said.



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