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Caroline's P.O.V

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We walked out of the car and we walked up a small hill towards a man in uniform standing at a gate "We're looking for Lilian Moore" I said, he looked shocked and then gave us a smile "Wow, nobody has come to see her in years, she's right over there" he said. I thanked him and gave a warm smile, Kasper and I walked in and that's where I saw her.

I gave a weak smile "Hey momma it's me, your Care bear. Your little girl is all grown up now and I have a boyfriend too, his name is Kasper. He's really nice you would like him" I said as I whipped away a stray tear, I inhaled "I brought you Roses momma, I remembered that they were your favorite." I chocked on my words "I haven't seen.......Penelope and I'm sorry she's not with me but I tried momma, I really did." I sobbed. "Please forgive me for leaving you momma, but I'll find her and I promise I'll bring her home and tell her all about you" I said.

I tried desperately to blink away the tears but they just kept falling "I may have saved Penny but..... I couldn't save you." I sobbed "I'm sorry momma, I'll always love you" I said, I knelt down and placed the flowers besides her grave. In loving memory of Lilian Moore 1969-2011 'A mother, a fighter' it read, Kasper put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off and turned to him and sobbed in his arms.

I sniffled "Mommas gone Kasper,she's gone and I couldn't save her." I cried "I couldn't save her" I said, he looked down at me "It's not your fault baby girl, you couldn't have known or helped her. You were just a child" he said. I sighed "I want to bring her home please, she deserved better" I said as I ran my hands over her cold stone tombstone.

Kasper nodded his head "Yea sure, we can bring her home" he said, he whipped my tears away and took my hand "Come on baby girl, let's go home" he said. The rain started to pour as he took my hand and we walked down the path back to our car, we got in and I laid my head on the glass window and starred at the rain drops that were sprawled out on the glass.

I always thought that when I was older I would come back and see her again, stare into her warm hazel eyes and tell her that I'm okay and that I made it. She was such a beautiful and caring woman, she has long brown hair that complimented her soft dark caramel complement, she always had heels on. No matter what she would never be without them and she would walk on her tip toes when she wasn't wearing them, and she made the best macaroni and cheese.

When we got home I just went the room and changed, I went straight to bed, wrapped myself in my blanket, and cried some more. My memory of her was there but a bit vague on account of how young I was, but the memories were still there and that was all I had left to hold onto.

I laid on the bed for hours, too sad to move, to eat, or to even sleep. Kasper walked in and sat beside me and rubbed the small of my back "Hey baby how are you doing?" He asked and I sighed "Hanging on" I said lowly. He sighed "Baby I have a surprise for you, come here" he said, I sighed and got out of bed sluggishly. I walked into the bathroom with him and I saw a nice hot bath with with rose petals and a bath bomb at the side, he placed a bath bomb in the tub and he helped me undress and get into the tub.

The bath was very soothing and helped me relax a little bite but I can't forget, not even if I tried. After my bath Kasper gave me one of his shirts to wear which I loved, we went back to his bed and he let me lay on his chest as we streamed my favorite TV show 'A Different World'. He played in my hair "Babygirl I have to go get someone thing real quick" he said and I nodded my head, he got up walked downstairs to which I assume was the kitchen.

He came back with my favorite ice cream which was birthday cake flavor and I smiled and thanked him, he sat down beside me "Do you wanna talk about it baby girl?" He asked "I honestly don't know what to say, I'm very sad that she's gone but I'm also even more upset about the fact that I didn't know she was gone" I said. He rubbed the small of my back "It's gonna be okay, she's at peace now and it's best you know" he said and I nodded my head, I laid my head on his shoulders as a tear slid down my cheek.

He placed his arm around me "Well I have a surprise for you and I hope it brings you some closure" he said, I sat up and looked at him, he had a small box in his hand "What is it" I asked "Close your eyes" he said smiling. I closed my eyes and breathed in as he placed the small box in my hands, I opened my eyes and opened the box and gasped at what I saw inside. It was the gold locket my mother always wore, it had one of the only pictures of her, Penelope, and I in it. I sniffled "Where did you find this" I asked "At your old childhood address, it was left in the attic" he said.

I placed the locket besides me and wrapped my arms around him as I sobbed into his shoulders "Thank you so much, this is honestly one of the best gifts I've ever gotten." I said, he wrapped his arms around me "It's nothing, I would do absolutely anything to make you smile again" he said. I kissed his cheek "I really didn't think I could feel better thanks for that"

2 Weeks Later

It's been two weeks since we found my mother and honestly say I'm starting to feel better, I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when I heard a knock at the door "I'LL GET IT" I yelled as I went to the door. I pulled open the door and saw Salem and Victoria and they screamed and I smiled and ran into their arms, "It's really good to see you guys, how long will you be around here" I asked "Well Kasper told me how sad you were so we came to visit" Salem said.

I smiled "Well Come in, Come in you guys must be hungry." I said and then nodded their heads "Yea But we don't wanna put you through any trouble" Victoria said, "Nonsense I insist, you've come all this way it's the least I can do, what would you like to eat?" I asked "Burgers" Salem said "Perfect I'll make fries too, and where Aden and Roman?" I asked.

Salem grabbed an apron "Their parking the car, I'll get the fries started" she said, Salem and I loved cooking but Victoria hated it. There's a saying that everyone can cook but that's everyone but Victoria, she's once burned water trying to make noodles.

Once we finished dinner which was amazing we decided to watch a movie and just talk, "I'm not allowed to watch horror movies guys can we please watch something else" Salem wined "Don't be a baby SaeSae it's just the conjuring I've watched it numerous times" Victoria said. She bit her lip "Let's just turn it on and see how bad it is" I said and they nodded their head.

We were home alone and like fools we turned out all the lights to watch it, I groaned "I really have to pee but I'm too scared to move" I said "Me too but I'm just gonna wait till the movies over" Victoria said. There was about 10 minutes left in the movie and we were all shaking, we were on the edge of our seats as the main part of the movies plot was unfolding when someone touched my shoulder and I screamed cause everyone else to scream.

The lights turned on and Kasper was hunched over laughing "Stop it's not funny" I said as I playfully hit his shoulder, Roman turned to Salem

"What were you watch?"

"Something on the television"

"What's on the television?"

"A movie"

"What type of movie?"

"I don't know I wasn't paying attention"

Roman crossed his arms "I can turn on the TV or you can tell me" he said sternly "Fine we were watching the conjuring" she mumbled, he sighed "You won't be able to sleep tonight and you know that" he said. "The 3 of you go to your rooms" Kasper said "Alone" Salem muttered "Yes Go" Roman said.

I went to my room and Salem and Victoria went to the guest rooms, shortly after Kasper walked into the room and he sat beside me smiling "I'm glad to see your feeling better" he said "Yea thank you for inviting them and making me feel better" I said as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight "Thank you for being there for me"



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