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Caroline's P.O.V

       I woke up to the sun in my eyes, I felt really warm and snuggled into the softness I felt over me. But it wasn't a pillow, to my surprise it was Kasper. I'm in Kasper's bed! I smiled as memories of last night came flooding back to me. I can't believe he likes me, I'm totally winning right now. I shifted slightly being careful not to wake him as I slipped into the bathroom.

      My boobs had hickeys all over them, I blushed at the though of him touching me. I finished  up in the bathroom and went downstairs to make breakfast, shortly after Kasper came downstairs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nestled his head in the croak of my neck. "Good morning." He said as he placed small kisses along my neck, I began to feel a heartbeat and I'm not talking about the one in my chest. I smiled "when we're done with breakfast I have something important to discuss with you." He said.

      I turned to him with a worried look "Is it bad?" I questioned and he shook his head "No, but it could be depending how you respond. I don't want to scare you away." He said. This began to peak my curiosity "Well now I'm curious, you know I don't scare easy." I said smirking. He laughed "Let's hope so." He said.

       I quickly ate my breakfast and then turned to Kasper "Okay, now spill the beans. What do we have to talk about?" I asked excitedly. He smiled and placed the plates in the sink "Come on, let's go back to the room." He said. I followed him back upstairs. I sat down on his bed and he sat beside me, he took my hand "I like you a lot. I really hope this doesn't scare you away but it has to be discussed before we carry on with anything." He said. I got a little nervous "Okay I'm ready tell me." I said.

       He signed "I'm not sure if your familiar with it, but I'm into BDSM. I'm what you would call a dom, I guess what I'm asking is. Would you be interested in being my sub." He said. I looked at him slightly confused "Uh I'm not really familiar with it. The most I know is from 50 shades." "Yea, they're not a good representation of the community. But you will have to sign a contract, we can go over it together and work out what your not okay with. If it's not for you I understand." He said.

       I sat in silence for a moment as I pondered his question, I have no idea what he's asking of me. It's kinda seems a little scary but I'd try anything once, I smiled at him "I won't lie I'm really new to the concept, but I'll try it. I'm not sure if I'll be a good sub though." I said. A wide smile went to his face and he reached over and kissed me "I'm really happy to hear that. We can work at your pace and please if you're not comfortable with anything tell me. This is nothing without communication." He said. I nodded my head.

        He reached over to the night stand and pulled out a thick paper contract and three pens, he passed me a set of papers and kept a set for himself. He passed me a red, blue, and green pen "Circle what your unsure of in blue, underline the ones your okay with trying in green, and cross out the ones that are an absolute no in red. Remember this is all about you, don't be afraid to cross things out I want you to be comfortable at the end of the day." He said. I nodded my head and began to look over the documents in front of me.

      I spent the better half of almost two hours talking over everything and anything about this topic with Kasper. So far he's making this seem less nerve racking than I thought it was. It felt like there was no pressure on me at all, everything was what I was okay with. We'll be trying out a 24/7 dom sub dynamic which will be new to me but he said we can stop anytime, I looked up at him "I think we're all set." I said smiling.

      He smiled "Good, now the first thing I'm going to teach you is your positions. Whenever I home I want you to greet me on your knees, legs spread, hands on your thighs, with your head down." he said.

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