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Caroline's P.O.V

Ive been home all day waiting for Kasper to get home and it's so boring, I think I've watched all there is to watch on Netflix so now I don't know what to do.

I decided to go outside to the backyard and just chill for a while, I slipped on my Nike slides and went outside. I breathed in the fresh air and smiled, I went to the lawn chairs and picked a spot in the shade. I brought my iPad with me and decided to watch some YouTube videos to pass the time.

I was about to put my headphones in when I heard something ruffle in the bushes, I figured it was the wind so I ignored it but then I heard something else. A faint meow coming from the same area, curiosity got the best of me and I got up to go check it out. I tip toed over to the bushes and pecked behind them.

I saw a tiny little black kitten looking up at me, a smile crept onto my face when I saw it. I reached down slowly making sure not to scare it and picked it up, it gave out a small little hiss but it's so cute I just giggled. I picked it up to see if it was a boy or a girl and I saw the it was a boy, I smiled at him "What should I call you?" I said as I stroked his fur.

I decided to name him after one of the drags on game of thrones "How about Rhaegal?" I said and he purred under my finger tips, I felt a droplet of water hit my noise and I looked up and saw it was drizzling. I quickly grabbed my iPad and ran back into the house with Rhaegal in my arms, I closed the door and walked into the living room.

I don't have anything for a cat here so I decided to make a quick run to the pet store, I called up Kasper to tell him I was going to the store "I'm sorry to bother you at work, I just really wanted some cereal but we ran out of milk and cereal. Can I run to the store real quick to pick some up?" I asked. "Sure but next time just text me I was in a meeting" "Yes Sir" I said and then I hung up the phone.

I was already dressed to go outside so I grabbed a hoodie and a purse to put Rhaegal in, I grabbed my car keys and went to the nearest pet store.

I picked up a bunch of cat food, a litter box, some pet shampoo, food and water dish, a cat bed, cat toys, and a collar with my baby's name on it. I had to pay in cash so that it wouldn't come up on Kasper's credit card because he can't know about Rhaegal yet, I hurried home because Rhaegal is probably starving and he needed a bath.

I got home and noticed that Kasper's car wasn't parked in the driveway and I was so happy, I have to break it to him slowly about me having a pet. And either way I'm keeping him because he's my child now.

I gave Rhae a quick little bath and made sure he was very clean before drying him off, I took him back down to the living room with me a opened a can of cat food for him. He instantly dug into the food happily purring as he ate, I smiled at how adorable he looked.

I got a text from Kasper saying he'll be home in an hour which was my cue to start up my plan, which is to butter Kasper up by making him his favorite meal and then telling him about the cat. I decided to make Meatloaf and mashed potatoes with Brussel sprouts, I also brought out a glass of red wine which is also one of his favorite drinks.

I finished up the meal right on time because I heard his car pull up to the driveway, I locked Rhaegal in a guest room with all his stuff till it was safe for him to come outside. The front door closed and I walked downstairs to greet Kasper, I smiled when I saw him and kissed him on the cheek "mmm Something smells amazing" he said. I took his coat and hung it up "Yea I made your favorite Sir, I hope you like it" I said.

We walked over to the dinning room and and he sat down as I sat the food in front of him, he inhaled "It looks so good, thank you baby girl" he said and I smiled. I took my plate and then sat down across from him "How was your day?" I asked "It was very boring, I miss having you around the office. Walking around in your sexy little pencil skirt" he said smirking.

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