Twenty six⛓

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Caroline's P.O.V

I went downstairs to go make some breakfast for Kasper and I, when I opened the fridge and it was empty. I frowned, I closed the fridge and opened it again as if food would magically appear.

Kasper came downstairs "I thought you were cooking?" He asked "We ran out of food." I said. He groaned "Didn't I tell you to go grocery shopping yesterday?" He said, I mentally slapped myself "Um...yes but." "No buts, I told you to go you should have went." He said.

He stepped closer to me "Now we're both hungry." He said "I know, I'm sorry." I said. He's now standing over me "Go to the store and next time do what I tell you or you'll be more than sorry." He said. He kissed me forehead and I nodded my head.


He gave me his credit card and told me to go off of the list I wrote. He said to put it on my phone so it's easier, but I like it better on my note pad. He needs to realize he's not always right.

I got to Costco's and went in my purse to get my list, and I couldn't find it. I called Kasper "Hey do you see my grocery list on the counter." I asked. I hear him sigh "Yea Im looking at it right now." I smiled "Can you please send me a picture?" I asked.

He laughed "Mmm no, I told you to write it in your phone. You said nah you prefer it this way, maybe next time you should take my advice." He said. I frowned "So if I have no list how do I know what we need?" I asked, he chuckled "Figure it out." He said and then he hung up the phone.

That pissed me off. So what he's right he doesn't have to rub it in. If he doesn't send me the list in 10 minutes I'm not gonna buy anything. I set a timer on my phone and wondered around the store and ate up some free samples.

Ten minutes went by and no text....

I inhaled sharply, now I'm annoyed. I have a plan for him, if he doesn't wanna send me what we need then I improvise.


I got home and Kasper was in the living room on the couch, I placed the bag in front of him "Whys there only 3 bags?" He asked. I smiled "I improved like you said." I told him, he opened the bag. He pushed himself back on the couch and rolled his eyes "Lunchables, are you serious?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head "You petty ass little brat." He said as he stood up and walked over to me. Every step he took forward I took backwards "Come here, Caroline." He said "You shouldn't be mad, you like lunchables." I said giggling. "You think it's funny?" He asked "Haha?" I giggled.

I kept backing up till I tripped over the rug and fell on my ass. He stopped and he began to laugh, he walked over to me and sat between my legs as I layer back on the floor. He tried holding down his laughter "I hope you find your punishment just as funny." He said. I smiled "Technically this is your fault. See, I asked you to send me the list." I said.

He shook his head "No baby girl, this is all your doing. This punishment is on you." He said. I opened my legs and placed them on each side of him, he was sitting between my legs now. He traced up my thigh "Eh what kind of punishment do you think you should get for being petty?" He asked. He placed with the hem of my panties "How about no punishment at all?" I said smiling.

He slapped my thigh making me laugh "I'm not gonna let you slide this time, love.", I bite my lip and gave him the pouty eyes that he loved "Please don't punish me." I said seductively. He licked his lips, I could see he was thinking. If I get myself out of this punishment then I am the goat,

He leaned down closer to me, so close that our lips were only inches apart. I could smell his minty breath as he gave me a kiss and then uttered the words "No." I laughed "I thought I had you for a second." I said, he smiled "Mmhm and you almost did. I know exactly how to punish you. There's a charity dinner that I have to attend tonight and I want you to come." He said.

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