Twenty Three⛓

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Caroline's P.O.V

I woke up to Kasper shaking me "Babygirl wake up, I have a surprise for you." He said, I shot up and smiled "What is it?" I asked excitedly. He took my hand and smirked "Just come." He said, I got out of bed and he led me down stairs. As we were about to head to the living room he stopped me and placed his hands over my eyes, we walked into the living room and then he counted to 3 before he removed his hands from my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see Ava kneeling in the corner of the living room, and a man sitting on our couch sipping some alcohol out a glass. I turned to Kasper "What's going on?" I asked, Kasper smirked "Caroline, this is Ryan. He's Ava's dom." He said. Ryan stood up from the couch and shook my hand, a smile crept onto my face.

I grinned from ear to ear "It is a pleasure to meet you, Caroline. It's a pity we had to meet in such unpleasant circumstances. It would have been...amazing to play with someone as gorgeous as you." He said looking me up and down. I blushed and turned to see Kasper laugh a little, "Like wise." I said as I took my hand away.

Kasper walked over to us "I told you I would handle this, as a result of went down yesterday I'm going to have Ava punished for her deplorable behavior." Kasper said. This really is an awesome day "And you darling get to pick the punishment, and down worry Ava doesn't have many limits. It's in her contract." Ryan said.

I could almost dance from happiness "Hmm thank you Sir, the both of you. As for her punishment, I think I'll take the high road." I said, Ryan shook his head "Beautiful and gracious, you have a great one Kasper. But she needs to learn, so if it's all good with you I think I'll still conduct a punishment for her. Would you like to watch?" He asked.

I shrugged "Sure, why not." I said smiling, I walked over and took a seat on the couch and Kasper joined me. Ryan turned to Ava "Get the fuck over her right now bitch, and crawl." He demanded "Yes Master." Ava said as she crawled over to Ryan. She sat at his feet with her head bowed, on the coffee table there was leather gloves and a stack of pennies.

My curiosity has been peaked, Ryan put some pennies in each finger of the glove and then put it on. Before I could even blink Ryan slapped Ava swiftly across the face, my jaw dropped and I covered my mouth in shock. Her face turned to the side but she quickly got back into position "Go bend over the table slut." He said.

Ava sniffled "Yes Master." She said as she crawled over to the coffee table and bend over "Remove your panties." He said, she did as she was told "You're going to thank me after every one and apologize to Caroline. I'll give you 15 strikes." He said. She inhaled sharply "Yes Master, thank you." She said. Ryan pulled his hand all the way back and then it landed on Ava's ass hard, it looked so painful that I flinched.

Ava bit her lip "Thank you Master, Caroline I'm sorry." She said "May I have another?" She asked, Ryan hit her again and this time she let out a scream.


Her punishment was over and now we were showing them out, they stopped in the doorway "It was nice meeting you Caroline. Kasper, we should definitely consider scheduling something." He said. Kasper smiled "Ah yes, I'll definitely hit you up." Kasper said, and then they left. When they left I let out a deep sigh, Kasper took my hand and turned me to him "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded "Yea it's just, that was a pretty harsh punishment." I said, he hugged me "You're right, but it's Ava that bitch deserved it." He said. I looked up at him "Would you ever punish me like that? What would I have to do to get you that pissed?" I asked, he paused for a moment. He shook his head "Nah, you can get me angry sometimes, but over all your a good girl I don't think I'd need to punish you that bad." He said.

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