14. Stress Is A Mess.

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Madison's POV:

Well, February was an eventful month, we're now in the month of March. Jon and Magnolia did move out of mine and Travis' house last week. It was bittersweet, honestly. I honestly never knew how much it'd affect me until it actually happened. On one hand, I'm happy and proud that he finally got him and Mags their own place, but then again, I miss the heck out of both of them.

There have been a couple times where I've walked past the guest room and open up the door, expecting to see Jon and Magnolia, but there's neither of them there. It hurts me, not even going to lie. Fuck, there's no way that I was falling in love with J. Ain't no way in absolute hell! Travis is who I want... Right, myself? Maybe it's just the atmosphere, or hormones, perhaps? Whatever it is, it'll pass. Almost everything in life is temporary; this too shall pass. 


"Madison! Hello? Are you even listenin' to a word I'm sayin'?" Travis asked as I was just lost in the movie we both were watching.

It was one of the many Harry Potter movies. Even though it isn't Travis' cup of tea, he does watch it because it gives him something to do... And because he loves me just a bit, hehe. 

"What is it, Trav, babe? I was watching and paying all my attention to the movie, sorry... Can you repeat what was said or asked?" I questioned and apologized to him.

"Sorry, I wasn't getting onto you, calm down," He chuckled before continuing. "Have you spoke to Langston? How's he enjoying his house?"

"So what you're trying to insinuate is that you haven't spoken to him?" I giggled as I snuggled close to my sweet, loving boyfriend, those one feelings or whatever you call it that I was having about Jon started to enter back in my mind once Trav mentioned his last name.

"Hit the nail right on the head, babe. Anyways, you didn't even answer my question. Did you text or call him? I'm sure you have, you need your daily dose of Magnolia, don't you?" Travis laughed, running his fingers through my long, blonde hair.

"No, I decided he needed some time to settle in and everything else. Which reminds me, we're so damn rude! We didn't even try to suggest some help for J. How could we forget to ask him, Travis?" I shook my head as I shot straight up from the couch.

He shrugged his shoulders and scoffed quietly. Why? Who knows? He's been moody since before Jon and his daughter moved out, but slowly and surely, it's getting on my last nerve. You see, the biggest thing in a relationship to me, is communication. Travis, however, is not the type to talk about his feelings, but he'll definitely showcase them, which is a big downfall for me.

Every time he remotely gets upset, stressed, or anything for that matter, instead of talking to me or anyone about it, he just moans and groans about it. It makes me sad, all I want is for him to be able to come to me and open up about things. Whether it's the studio hours making him stressed, touring has him tired, etc. It truly puts a hurting on my part, because I tell him everything about my hobbies and future careers choices, why can't he just talk to me?

Trav knows I've never ever been the judgmental type, that's just someone I definitely am not. Never have, and most certainly never will. He knows that for a damn fact!

"Jon'll figure it all out. He's a grown ass man. Though, I'm sure he's relieved that he doesn't have to deal with that Danielle chick being hot then cold, plus all wishy-washy like she was on Valentine's Day, so regardless, I'm just thankful that the Dani girl is gone and out of the air. But the next girl he finds, on God, if it's another fluke or something like that, it isn't going to be pretty. I've seen that dude at his highest and lowest moments. The lowest moments can be pretty tough. I'm scrambling to check in on him as much as possible. If another girl affects him like the last two, who's to say that something bad will or won't happen to him? You see what I'm sayin', Mads? I get your point of view, I truly do, but I've known Jon for many, many, many years. That guy is my best friend, he deserves just as much love as he gives to others..."

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