31. Rainy Shows, FaceTimes, And Engagements.

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Jon's POV:

Tonight is the night! Country Thunder Bristol is happening tonight! It's super exciting because Lana and Magnolia were able to tag along with me just like they did last time! It's been a hectic week, to say the least.

Lana's mom has been super vocal and bitchy about her moving down here to Tennessee... Yes, she's still pissed off about the whole situation.. It's taking everything out of me to not say anything else to her mom. It isn't my place, yes, but you don't mess with Lana or her dead dad that can't be here physically to defend himself and or say anything about any situation!

Playing at a racetrack is very exciting! Even more so since it's my first time playing at a racetrack, of course! Bristol is a long way away from Nashville, but we'll be alright. Four hours is nothing! We've taken trips to shows that were longer drives than four measly hours, so we definitely will be okay.

Lana was seated on my lap, her back turned toward me as she was interacting with the band that was sitting on the opposing couch on the bus. Her tight ass began wiggling on my lap, causing me to bite down on my bottom lip.

She's turning me on and I think she knows it because she won't stop with the excessive wriggling and constant movement.. Damn, and she's doing it front of the band too! That makes it even worse.

"Yeah, but I'm super thankful to be joining you guys. Y'all are going to have a wonderful time at tonight's show; I just feel it!" She shouted out in glee, her movements going a tad bit faster.

"Fuck.." I grunted lowly in her ear, breathing down her neck.

"We're excited to have you out on the road with us, Lana. You're pretty damn cool," Stone, my photographer said.

Lana nodded her head and then started gasping at the feeling of my breath on her neck, but she brushed it off by shaking her head, the heel of her foot hitting against my leg.

"Heyo, Jon! You don't look so good; everything okay over there?"

Fuck! Of course he decides to be nosy and ask if everything's okay while I'm in the middle of my girlfriend grinding her ass on my hard-on. She's never been this way up until now.. Dear God, if she's like this all the time, I'm in for a hell of a ride- literally.

My teeth sunk into my bottom lip and I just nodded, "Yep! Just fine, Stone, just fine."

"Yep! Everything's all good over here," Lana agreed a bit too enthusiastically. 

She then grabbed my hand and drug me into the back bedroom past the bunks as she tugged at the bottom hem of my t-shirt, beginning to strip it off of my body.

"Babe, it's that time of the month, but like, I want sex so bad!" She whined. "Grinding against you with clothes on isn't all that fun.."

Holy fuck.. Look, Lana is who I consider the love of my life, however we have never had sex before. We've showered and seen each other without clothes maybe two or three different times, but full-on sex? That's different coming from her. Hell, we've never even done oral on each other, so we're basically virgins with one another- if that makes sense.

"So you're tellin' me that grinding on my hard-on through my basketball shorts isn't fun? 'Cause you were wiggling your ass like you were damn near loving it," I interrogated Lana, her cheeks bursting with a red color.

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