TWENTY-SIX | year 5

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"I don't understand," said Cassiopeia, "Where exactly are we going?"

Hermione huffed, "I told you already, we can't tell you yet until we're out of the castle..." she cleared her throat, looking around for any eavesdroppers before adding: "...i-it's a surprise!"

Cassiopeia and the trio walked out if castle, to go to Hogsmeade. They hurry through the slushy snow, shivering as cold wind hits their faces. The blonde haired girl did not know they'd be going to Hogsmeade, so she basically left her scarf in the dormitory.

Cassiopeia walked beside Harry, who's eyebrows were knit together, his face turned into a frown.

"Hey," the girl said, tapping Harry's shoulder, the boy turned to her and lifted a brow, "Got any spare scarf? I'm freezing, didn't know we'd go to Hogsmeade,"

Harry shook his head, "I don't, sorry,"

Cassiopeia lets out a shaky breath, holding her coat on her neck tighter as well as putting her hair down. Harry took his scarf from his neck and placed it around hers, giving her a tight smile.

"Are you sure?" She asked, "You don't have to, you know---"

"I'm sure," the boy said, "don't have to worry about me,"

Cassiopeia nodded, didn't know what to say. She fixed the red and yellow scarf around her neck, and she felt herself blush.

Then it was silence as quartet walked through the heavy snow, Soon enough, Harry broke the silence. "This is mad. Who'd want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?"

Confused, Cassiopeia turned to Ron who looked at her and shrugged, "Look on the bright side---you can't be any worse than old toad-face,"

Ron gave Cassiopeia a fist bump, and she was surprised how Ron suddenly did that, usually he would ignore her pretend that she was never there. It was quite odd.

Harry blinked, "Thanks, Ron,"

'I'm here for you, mate," said Ron, patting Harry's shoulder.

They entered Hog's Head, the four of them peered into the dingy room, lit by stubby candles on rough wooden tables. Cassiopeia sniffs at the sour air.

"Lovely spot," she said sarcastically, grimacing.

"I thought it'd be safer someplace off the beaten track," said Hermione.

"What am I doing here again?" Cassiopeia asked, turning to the three.

"Dunno," replied Ron, "Harry thought to bring you along,"

Hermione rolled her eyes, as they walked inside, closing the door and sitting down, "So did I,"

Hermione explained their plan to Cassiopeia who was agreeing, Harry would make a great teacher.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us?" The girl asked, and Harry looked at Hermione.

"Oh, just a couple of people..." Hermione replied, "I'm sure they'll be here soon,"

Harry frowns...and then Hermione brightens as the door opens and a crowd of students hurries in: Neville, Ginny, Fred and George, Cho, Luna, the young second-year Nigel, the Patil Twins, and a dozen others stand looking
around the gloom.

Ah yes, mostly from other houses and no Slytherin, Cassiopeia thought to herself.

"A couple of people?" Harry lifted a brow, Hermione smiles weakly. As the group gathers there is uneasiness on both sides; some students have openly challenging expressions; others are more curious, and some stared at Cassiopeia with shock and some with disgust.

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