Chapter 19 - Bitch keeper : Dainsleif

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I've changed the story a bit to match with the current events


(Y/N) POV -

My first reaction on seeing Lumine was to act just like any normal person would.

I tried to punch her, but my hand just passed through.

"Look. I'm really sorry about what I did, but can you please calm down?" she asked.

I just showed her a middle finger and tried to hit her again.

After a few minutes of not being able to do anything, I finally calmed down a bit.

"You ready to hear me out?" she asked and I nodded.

"Ok. So first of all, I'm really sorry for stabbing you back then" she said with a guilty look.

"And then I tried to make you a god slayer but that failed... miserably" she said.

I tried to flick her head but my hand just passed through.

"It wasn't my fault! I didn't know the Osial's wife would appear and you were never supposed to be forced to use hundreds of Delusions at once! Under normal circumstances, you would have gotten slight amnesia" she said.

"Ok, forget about all that. The main problem is that the Eclipsed moon is coming"

I gave her a confused shrug and she understood.

"The Eclipsed moon was one of the three moon sisters. The Crimson moon, Welkin moon, and the Abyssal moon" she said.

Wait... the Abyssal moon?

"Yup. The abyssal moon. During the battle, the Crimson moon won. The Abyssal moon was banished to another part of this world and the Welkin moon died, and became corrupted. The Abyss order is actually the people of Khaenri'ah. 500 years ago they tried to free the abyssal moon and the Crimson moon retaliated by destroying them" she said.

What the fuck

"Now, we don't know if the Sustainer is the Crimson moon, or if she works for the crimson moon but your death has allowed the corrupted Welkin moon to take over Celestia and the sustainer. That, is the Eclipsed moon. A shadow of the Welkin moon that takes over the fake sky created by the Crimson moon and Celestia"

Lumine, what the fuck are you talking about.

"I have asked some abyss mages and an abyss herald to look for your body and some special ingredients. I want to resurrect you as an apology. Please help us against whatever the Eclipsed moon does" Lumine said.

I didn't understand half the stuff she said, but agreed anyways.

I didn't have anything else to do. Don't judge me!

"Great. I'll call you when everything is ready" Lumine said as she left while happily jumping


Aether POV -

We ran outside and saw hundreds of weird monsters attacking every living thing in their path.

The Millelith had been sent to small villages and the Harbor was being protected by Vision holders.

"Ningguang! What's the situation?" I asked.

"These monsters suddenly started attacking. We still don't know where they come from, but we've had no casualties yet. The problem is that a large number of hilichurls have been spotted coming towards the city. We can't fight them alongside the monsters" she said.

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