Chapter 23 - An Asmoday among us

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(Y/N) POV - 

After I arrived at our camp, Enjou asked me for something.

"You want to go to Enkonomia?" I asked.

"Yes boss. There is this one book called Before the sun and moon. I think it can be really useful for the abyss" he said.

Hmm.... Seems reasonable enough.

"Sure. But teach me some of your cool abyss powers before you leave" I said.

He gave a chuckle and we found a small opening to practice some stuff.

I no longer had my pyro vision, so Enjou couldn't teach me anything related to his pyro abilities.

"Why don't I teach you how to create portals?" he asked.

"I can use those!?" I asked.

"While you aren't a creature of the abyss, you should be able to use a weaker version that connects to the HQ" he said.

After some explanation, I tried to open one but failed.

"Hmm... Seems like you don't have enough energy. Try using this leyline branch" Enjou said.

I used it, and was able to reach the abyss HQ.

The portal still wasn't open, but I could move around in a ghost like state. Enjou said that this was how it would feel when I connected to the leylines, so it seemed like I was doing something right.

I couldn't see things clearly, and everything sounded muffled.

I was about to open a portal, when I hear Lumine call me.

I thought that she could see that I was there because she's the abyss princess, so I opened the portal where I heard he.

"Hey Lumi. You called?" I said as I placed my head in the portal.

I suddenly stopped when she saw me.

Both of us stared at each other for some time before I said a small "Nice" with a grin and closed the portal.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I could hear Lumine's embarrassed shouting as I closed the portal.

"What did you see boss?" Enjou asked.

"Something really nice" I said with a grin as I went to sleep.

(Lumine POV - eaniwenfwngngijfni!!!!)


*Time skip brought to you by (Y/N) showing Enjou his new Mora*

Gorou POV - 

The shogunate had managed to ambush one of our scout units, and unfortunately we didn't have enough reinforcements.

"General Gorou. You don't have to fight us. Just surrender, and we'll take you to the Shogun" the enemy captain said.

"As if I'd ever do that!" I shouted as I fired an arrow at him.

It managed to hit his shoulder and he ordered his men to attack us.

We were easily overpowered and some of my men got seriously injured.

"General Gorou! Teppei! He's bleeding too much!" one of them said.

I was trying to get us out of the situation quickly, when a polearm landed next to me.

"Reinforcements!" I happily shouted.

"You should've stayed vigilant, Gorou" someone said as they rubbed my ear.

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now