Moon Observer Sword

201 8 16

Weapon type : Catalyst (Yes it is a catalyst. It'll be explained in a later chapter)

Rarity : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Series : Archon's Sin Series

How to obtain : Crafting (Quest - The true tyrant)

Base ATK  :   52 - 683
(Lv. 1 - 90)

2nd Stat Type : Crit Damage

2nd Stat    :   9.6% - 44.1%
(Lv. 1 - 90)

Observer of the true sky - CRIT Rate increased by 4%. Gains stacks of True sky upon using Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 20% of ATK. Up to 7 stacks of True sky can be held at once, and unleashes a burst of true anemo after gaining the 7th stack.

A beautiful sword designed by the lord of storms. It's gaze seems to be looking at the true nature of the gods.

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Also a new weapon that (Y/N) and Asmoday will be getting soon ;)


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A few more days, and this book should start getting updates again :)

And I...

Definitely didn't forget about this weapon.

Nope. Definitely didn't. I have no idea what you're talking about.

For the last time, I'm not the unknown god!!! (Genshin impact X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now