Chapter 17: Final Answer

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Hoseok breaths in and out slowly and deeply. It took a lot of courage for him to come and see you here in a foreign land. Let alone ask you to go home with him. He saw all the pros and cons of it and he wouldn't lie to himself. The pros of you staying here weighs heavier than you going home with him.

I came here to pick you up not to be dismayed. Hoseok chants in his head.

The closer he walks up to you, the faster his heart beats for an unsure answer to his question.

Hoseok is about to do his final check on you as a doctor before he goes back home so Eli told him that you are in the library. He never really looked for you the whole day so he won't look suspicous. Jungkook is enough, let everyone else be oblivious.

He enters the large library and spots your figure on the very left corner of the large room. He walk to you and made his presence known.

"Good day lady y/n. I ought to do my last check on you before I head back home," he speaks behind you.

In all reality, you were waitimg for him to come to you. That's the reason why you chose the library so no one else could be here. You don't know what their plot really is but you're allowing Hoseok to speak this time.

"Why did you came?" You ask without turning.

Hoseok continued to walk infront of your sitting figure. He sets his bag to the floor and starts putting out the tools he need to give you a final check up. He grabs a stool and sits infront of you and proceeds.

"I told you, I came here because you needed a doctor,"

"Don't lie to me. Atleast not today,"

Hoseok comtinues his task without looking you in the eyes. He then goes back and forth to his notes and then to you.

"How's your breathing?" He asked.

"Good," you answer.

"I not lying. I know what that poison is. I thoight you might have a jist of it when you saw Yoongi. How about your vision?"

"Fine. So you two planned this?" You answer.

"No, it was an accident. Yoongi was so guilty about it. How about if I push here?" He pushed your stomach with a little pressure.

You coil in pain and your face turns red.

"The poison is still in your body. Let Sunoo make more antidotes for you. Drink it three times a day for seven days. I brought enough shill leaves for you to use," he then goes back to his notes and started scribbling more.

You completely ignore what he just said.

"Of all the times you could've came, why only now?" You ask.

Hoseok momentarily stops scribbling but continues anyway.

"Things got messy in there. Yoongi got crowned, Jin came home, the lecher died, there were numerous rebellion, few more attacks from the enemy," he continued to spill everything.

He's pretty sure Yoongi wouldn't want that but he had to confide to you. You deserve to know what's happening in your homeland.

You didn't answer.

In your point of view, they were all excuses.

Everyone there must be well and still as boastful as you remembered them to be.

But your mind goes to Yoongi. For a moment you got concern a little. You catch yourself feelimg that so you shake your head to rid of the thought.

"I know you're held hostage here. Whatever those fragrant words were from the royals, I don't buy it," Hoseok closes his notes and looks straight to you.

Suddenly, the urge to protect the southern royals bubbles inside you.

"Don't go there Hoseok, they gave us a second chance to live. We aren't hostages here," you warn.

Hoseok knew better.

"Look you—" he was cut off by your glare.

"I said don't," you voice calmer, it scared him.

"Come home with me," Hoseok said it.

Your calm demeanor stayed intact.

"I will never go back there," you say the words quietly.

Not because someone might hear it but because you meant it with every inch of your body.

"Please, you'll be in danger here?"

You scoff.

"What's the difference there?" You ask.

"You're gonna be with us," Hoseok whispers, voice hopeful.

He close your eyes.

This is painful.

"We will be safe here and here we will stay," you said your final answer.

Hoseok physically gives up to yoru answer but his heart didn't.

"If you change your mind, I'll come pick you up," he said.

He leaned in to kiss your forehead and said, "I love you,"


"Dr. Hoseok said you need to drink this three times a day," Taehyung hands you the small vial.

You took it in one go amd almost gag at the taste but this is better than nothing. The antidote only reminded you of the brothers.

"Thank you your majesty but why must you be the one to stay here with me today?" You ask him and hand shim back the vial.

"My brothers gets a day off. Sunoo will he very busy with Namjoon since they'll be out in the villages to remind folks about their health," Taehyung answers.

You watch him jazz around your room effortlesly, wearing his sleep garments. The softest silk you have ever seen. The emerald green color clashes with his tan skin perfectly. His usual slick back hair is replaced with his black curly hair fallimg down his eyes looking very relaxed. The king catches your gaze.

"Like what you see?" He jokes.

You meet his playful eyes and almost forgot that Hoseok left with the saddest emotion you have ever seen on his face. You realize that you're having an eye contact with the king himself. You drop your gaze again and knit your brows together.

"I apologize your majesty,"

Taehyung walks to you, places his finger on your chin and lifts your face up to meet his.

"Look at me y/n. You have nothing to apologize for. I am here today as a man, not a king,"

You didn't breal eye comtact this time. You just watch his eyes crease as he smiles beautifully at you.

god he's so gorgeous.

Any woman he'll marry will be so lucky.

"So tell me y/n, what are your thoughts on marriage?"



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