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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Amaris Hiiragizawa's P.O.V.


"Hey dad can i go to the wine chamber we found yesterday?" I ask as we ate dinner in their room.

We decided to eat here cause we just wants to have a quiet peaceful lunch with just as three instead of chatting with people.

Not that there is anything wrong wih that but it just gets tiring and boring.

He raise his eyebrow at me looking surprise yet curious about my sudden question.

"Why?" I grin at the question.

Its not a no, its a why.

"Because im bored" maikling sagot ko.

He rolled his eyes before stuffing food on his mouth while nodding.

"Don't get caught" father reminded me with a smirk and calculating look.

He's trying to figure me out, be my guest father.

I gave him an empty eye smile, challenge accepted.

After eating they decided to roam around for the 100th time while i go on my own way.

I made sure that the coast was clear as i walk down the path of where the secret wine chamber was....the reason why i wanted to go there was because of the small vault i found on the deepest corner behind the boxes of wine.

I was just about to reach the last turn when suddenly...

"What are you doing here" i pause on my tracks.

Why is he here?

I turn on my heel to face him.

There he is leaning on the wall looking at me suspciously, his arm crossed on his chest.

I smile calmly "just roaming around li-san" i answer without a hitch.

No hint of nervousness cause im not.

He push off the wall and walk towards me, his looks not changing, his arm now pocketed on his trousers pocket.

"Its off limits here" walang emosyon nyang sambit.

I chuckle at his words "is it? But you're here too li - san" i ask as i look at him with a glint of challenge.

Im challenging him, does he have a reason or does he just want a reason to call me off hmm lets see samuel li.

He blushed all the way to his ears and immediately avoided my gaze.

"T-thats-- its because-- none of your business!" He stuttered then he hiss out at me in the end, face red as roses.

You're not a really good liar li-san, but alright.

"If it's off limit then ill be going first, thank you for informing me" i said politely with a polite smile before walking passed him.

"Wha--wait!" Got you.

I turn my head and look at him with fake confusion "aren't you gonna ask why?" Kunot noo niyang tanong while still holding my arm that he grabbed as i walk by him.

I take a step to face him properly at dpon lang sya bumitaw sa braso ko, blushing when he realize his own action.

For someone who have a strong personality and aura he sure blush easily and a whole lot.

Special Section Series : Kismet (Book Two)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu