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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Amaris Hiiragizawa's P.O.V.

"What?" I asked with a chuckle as crimson and katana look at me with two different expressions.

Katana gave me a your an idiot look
While crimson gave me that look which basically says i should be happy but why did he have a grand entrance whilst i dont?

They're my friends..well childhood friend, we studied in the same elementary school and have in in the same class from grade 1st to grade 6th.

Why am i not acquiented and in contact with them for the past few years? First after grade school we migrated to england, second i went back to the philippines just before senior high class  starts, third im not into tech communication and third i hide from them.

Why? Just for the fun of it, i wanted them to be surprise and at the same time i wanted to see them from a far and not get involve with all the wealthy stuff that goes along with them.

Its too bothersome.

"What your face hiiragizawa, 5 fucking years you dolt!" She hiss out at me looking unamused after throwing an unused tissue.

We are currently at her room cause i was forced to be here after class by none other than katana sapphire indigo.

"True that, that's unfair hiiragizawa how can you go on in life without me in it? How boring" that makes me chuckle in amusement, same old crimson red never changing.

"Thats not the point you other idiot!" Katana throw a pillow at his face with a fiierce glare.

"What?! It is actually! I understand why he hid from you though you're hella scary" he look at katana with that judgemental once over look making me shake my head before grabbing a cookie from her cookie jar and biting from it while i listen to them bicker.

"Excuse me?! do you want me to show you how scary i am you little shit!" She grown out at him.

My eyebrow raise at that curse "bibig mo" "your mouth katana" sabay pa naming sambit ni crimson.

Nagkatinginan kami, it cause me to chuckle while he laugh light heartedly "jinx man jinx" he uttered.

Katana rolled her eyes "ewan ko sa inyo" she then focused her eyes on me once again.

"Spill" it was an order from the alpha female that she is.

I chuckle before sighing defeatedly "well..." i started and start telling them the reason why.

I received a pair look of disbelief which i returned with a calm smile.

"Pigilan mo ko katana gusto ko manakit" walang emosyong sambit ni crimson making me chuckle in amusement.

She rolled her eyes again with a scoff "kahit di kita pigilan di ka mananakit please lang crimson wag kami" she replied while scrunching her nose and looking at crimson like he's the weirdest person ever.

Which i believe that he is.

Crimson gasp dramatically puttìng his hand on his chest "how can you say that to me katana sapphire i kept up with your pangungurot at pananakit for 17 Going 18 years of my life!" He whisper yelled while looking at her with exaggerated look before turning to me.

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