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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Amaris Hiiragizawa's P.O.V.

Dream ○

"Must i be worried?" I ask chuckling lightly as i sat on the lap of my beloved.

He shook his head that was nuzzled on my neck "never worry i told you that" he answered his lips pressing feather like kisses on the expance of my neck.

I let out a humm of approval as his kisses goes down my shoulder, every press of his soft lips against my skin reminds me of how the sun kissed the tides. Warm and delicate.

I lift one of my hand, my fingers marking its home on the back of his head in a light grip as i lean my head back giving him more room to explore. "I am not worried per sé, i am more amused than ever"

Suddenly he stopped the moment those words left my lips.

He lean back and i move my head to look back at him, amusement thats what im feeling.

He looks at me with that hard calculating dark orbs that magnetically draws me in "your scared" there was a moment of silence before i let out a sigh with a calm smile.

My hand running down his face, my finger tips tracing his soft fair skin down to his neck.

It almost left my mind how easy it is now for him to know my real raw thoughts like its the back of his hand, a real wonder "my mind is at ease now, knowing i got a piece of yours inside me that no matter how far we'll be apart from you it won't pain me that much" his eyes harden even more.

His arm tighten around me even more "They are not taking you away from me. you are mine. both of you are. i swea--" i gently press my fingertips on his lips stopping him from whatever words he'll say fully knowing what it will be.

It breaks my heart to a thousand shards seeing how his eyes shows me how hurt he was but i keep the smile on my face to show him how okay i'll be..i am "No. No promises remember? No matter how dire the situation are, even if we lose, even if they succeed to tear us apart, you cannot promise me or our unborn child anything. you're a general, our life do not work the way we want it to be" i gently said to him even if it hurts..even if the pain in my heart is a pain unimaginable.

"How can you say words that obviously hurts us both? How can you say words that will kill me? You took my heart and now you want me to walk in this land with an empty heart, With an empty soul, do you not understand that you are now the only reason why--" i can only hold his face im my hand as he breaks apart right infront of my eyes.

He took a shuddering breath, tears falls down his eyes like a waterfall, its like a knife is being dragged down my heart at his pain filled sob "... you introduce me to fear, now i fear to live like a lifeless doll, i fear to lose my life that took form in you, i cant--i will never be able to breath again without you" despite the tears in my eyes i keep smiling, a gentle understanding smile.

"Not when you will give yourself a chance to love another--" "NO! Do. Not. You cannnot force me to love another cause you are the only one i will ever love, so don't--don't break my heart further koi i beg you just dont." i nod, i nod as i caress his face.

I feel like im running out of time.

I lay my forehead on his just to make sure that i still have him, a reminder, last memory.

Special Section Series : Kismet (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora