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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Samuel Li's P.O.V.

I bowed in respect as i came face to face with my grandparents.

Amá never changed, she still look at me with that same admiration but was it really for me?

They always say that i was the favorite grandchild but am i really?

Maybe its only because of the face i have and because of the person i resemble.

"Akong, Amá" i greeted them.

Akong looks at me with that full of regret eyes that i only notice now while amá look at me as if i walk bare footed in water without sinking.

"You're finally home" amá said her voice full of glee before pulling me in a tight hug.

I smile timidly, pilit na ngiti, i hug her back kahit pa gustong ko nang kumawala sa yakap niya, it feels suffocating.

"Come on ill bring you to your room" excited na saad niya pagkatapos akong pakawalan sa yakap niya.

I look at akong confuse while being pulled by amá, this is my first time being and living here. Most of the time we spend it on a house that dad brought near the city.

As we went further inside the halls, it suddenly feels and looks familiar, it was an old fashioned style corridor and everything around it looks old but well taken care of.

"We have always kept it the way it was, no one but me entered your room, i know you hate it when someone enters your room but i have to clean it everyday" puno ng galak ang boses ni amá habang nagkukwento.

And as words keeps spilling out of her mouth the more i realize that its not my room its that syaoran li's room after all.

Akong didnt even followed after us or stopped amá, he let her pull me in a room that's not even mine.

When we stopped i stare face to face with a door...that kind of door that you'll only see in movies or novelsor historical paintings, those doors in a mansion or palace that obviously came from chinese history and ancestry.

Amá clasp her hand over her chest "i am delighted to have you back huángdí" she said voice full of respect.

I felt shiver run down my spine at her sentence, huángdi? Is she okay? Is amá talking to me or to a ghost of her past?

"Amá i think its time for you to rest" i said with hesitancy not wanting to sound disrespectful.

She smile, eyes almost disappearing, then her next action surprise me even more, she took a step back and bow to be waist low.

I immediately step forward to stop her "amá what are you doing!" I exclaimed in surprise as i straighten her as gentle as i can.

She looks at me in confusion "huángdi are you okay?" Her old shaking voice ask.

My eyes widen at the complete confusion on her face, she's not with me right now, she's in the past.

I let go of her as if i was burned and stepped back, she just giggled as she looks at me eyes full of admiration and that shit scares me, she's my grandma she cant look at me as if i brought the moon on her feet.

Special Section Series : Kismet (Book Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant