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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Amaris Hiiragizawa's P.O.V.

"This is a very interesting way of always seeing each other don't you think so li-san?" I said after a long silence.

I was just at the library of this ship when a few minutes later he walks in as well.

Our eyes met but he avoided my gaze and look around without another word.

"Your book is upside down" he scramble to fix it making me chuckle.

Last time i checked he was avoiding me now he's stalking me?

"Im bored" i humm an indication that im listening to him as i continue to read the book i got from the shelves.

"I said im bored" paguulit niya kaya napatingin ako sa kanya with an amuse smile.

What do i have to do with him getting bored really? Hmm maybe he can entertain me today.

He's blushing and his eyes are not even on me "do you want to accompany me li-san? Im about to head down and roam around the attic later, akong gave me permission" aya ko sa kanya knowing he wont ask me if i dont do it myself..

"Since you ask..fine ill come with but only because im bored" a tsunedere, thats what he is.

i chuckle under my and nod "ofcourse"

I continue reading but was bothered when he keeps stealing glances at me, at first i chose to ignore it but somehow it got me bothered.

Your entertaining samuel li but not when im reading.

"Is there a problem samuel?" I ask him with a forced smile one of my eyebrows raised a little.

"Wala!" My eyes widen at his sudden and a bit loud answer.

Is he okay?

My eyebrow furrowed and my smile dropped as i look at him worriedly "okay?"

He sharply avoided my gaze and didn't utter another word.

Maybe i should just let him for now, he looks conflicted atmost.

Maybe he's really annoyed at me or something and i might be bored and he entertain me but that doesn't mean im heartless to make him feel uncomfortable when he obviously look bothered.

I sigh and just collected my things before standing "where are you going?" His voice surprise with the hint of hesitancy.

I smile and turn to him "ill be looking for another place to read you look bothered about my presence, if you'll excuse me li-san, do read well" i turn on my heel not waiting for his response and drop my smile when i have my back on him.

"No- i mean s-stay you dont bother me" i shake my head knowing he'll still see it.

"Its fine li-san don't force yourself" i calmly and politely replied before stepping forward and away from him.

Im not mad or annoyed or even bothered, but im reading and i dont need him to entertain me at the moment.

So when will i read? Hmm this ship is big enough to have a place that i can be alone in.

The wine cellar!

Looking around and making sure the coast is clear i head to my chosen destination.

As soon as i reach it and i had my steps further inside i let out a smile of excitement which is cut short when..

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