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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Samuel Li's P.O.V.

"Yeah i don't even remember what the hell happened" i said frustratedly as i look up the ceiling of my room.

"Maybe those dreams are really affecting you sam, why not ask for tito's opinion about it, i mean maybe dahil din yan sa mga kwento kwento nila sayo" she answered.

Currently im in my room with my phone near my ear talking to cherry, khalil is out to look for sapphire who might be with one of the twins but since tito asked of her and being the idiot that khalil is he just have to go out and look for her.

I groan "i don't even know cher this is fucking fucked up"

She giggled "you sound good when your angry" i blushed at her random words of appreciation but it didnt made me feel what i imagine to feel when she says such words. It actually made me feel uncomfortable.

I chuckle awkwardly "thanks?" I answered unsure.

"Im just telling--" her voice was drown by my sisters loud shouts from outside my door.


And for the first time in my life i am thankful for her annoyingly loud voice.

"Hey cher ill call you back later okay? My sister is going ballistic again, bye" mabilis kong saad bago inend yung call.

Fuck whats going on with me?


"SANGKOOOO!" I immediately stood from my bed before my sister bang my door down to pieces.

"Are you trying to take my door down?" I said itrritatedly as soon as i open my door revealing my sister who have a very happy face.

Yeah its her joy to annoy the heck out of me.

"Nope~ but hurry cause mama said don't make the visitor wait" thats her last words before she joyfully walk away bouncing on her steps.

I scoff as i roll my eyes watching her bound towards her room full of glee.

I head downstairs despite not knowing who's the visitor, i have an inkling idea that it would be khalil.

He comes in the most random times.

But why at we at our own home again? well its midterm break already and we are required to go home while they sanitize the whole school, they do pnce every three months.

Those last month have been the slowest month of our lives.

I raise an eyebrow at him questioningly as i saw him sitting on our couch drinking water "what brings you here" tanong ko sa kanya.

I was right its khalil.

He put the glass of water down before standing up "i need to bent" he said sounding tired already.

Shit goes down i guess.

I nod towards the stairs and he immediately smiled "thanks man" he said as he walk towards me before we head up together.

"Spill" i said as i sit on my gaming chair while he take a sit on my bed.

There was a pause before he let out an empty chuckle "you were right, i got caught up too much to the point that i think im falling already" i almost wince at how confuse and lost he sounded.

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