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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Samuel Li's P.O.V.

Why am i even wasting my time with him?

Maybe because im curious?

What really happened after everything calm down days ago when amá had a breakdown?

I asked mama and it surprised me when dad was the one who started to spill what really happened.


"Are you sure that you wanna know?" Dad asked.

Mom grab my hand and squeeze it "its just a story" she said looking worried.

Lalong kumunot ang noo ko sa mga sinasabi nila "what story?" I asked.

Theu exchange looks before dad sigh and stood "this is a story a history that once exist hundred of years ago" his eyes locked on me.

His eyes roam on my face as if he was memorizing my face or not?

"Our ancestor, general li syaoran made a history by leading chinese soldiers in war, leading a town, creating medicine and healing sickness that was never heard before, he was almost called as a son of a god of war, he was the greatest one that made our clan bask in glory..." he looks so proud of the story but gradually it died down.

"He was kind, brave but at the same time ilag sya sa mga tao, he never let anyone in aside from his relatives, no friends... no consort, no women that caught his eyes or even any person...not until the son of another older yet strong and respected general came....scholar eriol" nakapamewang niyang saad sabay iling.

I listen intently kahit pa gusto ko na magtanong, whats the point of this story? But at the same time i feel like i needed to know this story.

Dad chuckle "they bicker at their first meet just because eriol- san oppose against him in a meeting, it was as if eriol-san wanted to start a war but it was not that...their ideas just clash, both having a strong personality but in the end eriol-san became general syaoran's adviser...its as if a miracle happened, he was the first and the only adviser general syaoran ever had" dad eyes was on me, just staring at me ?

"To cut it short? They fell in love, they fell in love in a time where such love was not accepted and sees as abomination" his eyes harden.

"Everyone tried and tried and did everything to set them 'straight' and apart , the li clan needed an heir with general syaoran's blood, they had him married off, while eriol-san was sent back to his father, tortured cause they put all the blame on him" his face twisted in one of disgust and disappointment.

Mama have tears in her eyes as she lean on my shoulder.

While me? I was shocked, i dont know how to react or what to say, my chest hurts so its like a shadow pain, its there but at the same time its not there.

" was a tragedy, a heir was not produced cause general syaoran refuse to touch anyone, he fought and kill them all when he had learned of what had been done to eriol-san, according to what i've been told eriol-san who have never touched a weapon or harm any being, killed thousand to meet general syaoran at the seashore he waited and waited despite the wounds he acquired, his white robes turned red from blood but general syaoran never came ...he was killed before he can even reach the place they promised to meet...both their last breath was for each other"

Special Section Series : Kismet (Book Two)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang