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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Samuel Li's P.O.V.

"....and with that in mind we are not only spreading knowledge about how adulthood might be for all of you, we also need you to be prepared in anyways possible" i listen just like everyone else in class.

Grier raised her hands "yes grier?" Miss. Georgina asked.

All of our eyes are on her now "ibig po ba sabihin even the category of parenthood will be practiced?" She ask looking constipated making some of us laugh at her.

"Well yes i was just about to go to the that, please sit back down grier" ms. Georgina answered gesturning for her to sit back down with an amuse look on her face.

"Okay maam thank you" grier answered back sheepishly.

When she sit back down miss continued her instructuons about our projects for the whole year.

"as i was saying all your projects will be by pair and before all of you have any idea of choosing your own partner...you wont be" the beaming faces died down immediately making me shake my head.


She grab a paper from her desk and lift it up showing it to us as she pace back and forth infront of the class.

"Here are the list i made and yes its a random one, chosen by an app so dont complain to me complain to the app intiendes?" Everyone either stare waiting for further instruction or just nodded.

"So lets start with ...alabaster and harmon"

"Maam---" before harmon can even continue her complain miss already cut him off with a sharp look that makes him shut up.

"Sorry po" nakapout na sambit ni harmon.

Miss nodded accepting the apology before moving on.

"Grier and sofia..."

The list go on till i got this feeling that i would be paired with amaris cause our names havent been called and its already down to the last 5. The last one would be in pair of three.

"Samuel and amaris" what? did i heard miss right?

My eyes immediately wander towards amaris, his shoulder was tense up, back straight as he sit unmoving while looking upfront.

I lick my lips feeling like its so dry at the moment.

Im finally gonna have a chance to talk him and find out whatever this thing im feeling whenever i see him is.

"..and lastly winter, sapphire and khalil" shoot that cant be a good three way pair.

I look at khalil, behind that calm smile i know how he feel something different from that arrangement.

He caught me looking like how i wanted him go be thats why i stared hard at him.

He just smile sadly and shake his head like the idiot that he is.

Damn khalil.

"Yes amaris?" My immediately went back to amaris in confusion.

"Would it be okay to change partners miss?" He sounded calm and just genuinely curious.

Whats wrong with being partnered with me?

I mean i guess it quite obvious that we have been avoiding each other but still..

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