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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Amaris Hiiragizawa's P.O.V.




Beep beep beep.......

I hate that sound, i despise it.

"i am very sorry to inform you but his cancer reccurent" the doctor grimly said as i lay on the bed after undergoing a couple of tests.

Cancer recurrence or recurrent cancer is when a person's cancer returns after treatment. Recurrence rates are unavailable for all types of cancer and not all available data is up to date

Chronic leukemia thats what i had at the age of 10 the real reason why i needed to move away for treatment.

I had it before at an early stage only at stage 1 which means i had a high levels of white blood cells and enlarged lymph nodes.

I nodded at the doctor understandingly while on the side of my bed my dad is having a breakdown and father is holding him.

"On what stage am i?" I asked.

I knew this would happen, i felt it before i just didnt give it any kind of attention.

"You have progressed to stage two" my heart sink slowly.

I feel like throwing up but that would only worry dad.

Stage two is when a patient has high levels of white blood cells and is anemic. I also have enlarged lymph nodes now.

I nodded again and smile at the doctor calmly "i would like to start treatment after my senior year graduation would that be alright doctor?" Kalmado kong tanong.

"No! You will start treatment as soon as you can amaris we are not pushing this thing aside!" Dad pushed away from dad and look at me angrily with tears running down his face.

I just smile at him and shake my head "dad can you give this to me? please? I want to walk up the stage first, i want to...i want to be normal for a little more time, spend more time with katana and crimson, just three months dad can i have that?" I may sound so calm but deep down i wanted to cry.

I wanted to ask why? Why me? Again??

He look at me wide eyes, tears streaming down his face looking at me in pain, father behind him, supporting him with a grim look.

"Is that what you really want ris?" Father ask when dad burst out into another fit of loud sob, he turn to father and seek comfort from his embrace.

I nodded with a small smile on my lips..

He nods back before facing the doctor "Doctor would that be safe?" He asked him.

The doctor smile sadly but fortunately for me he nodded "just make sure he drinks every meds ill prescribe" sagot niya.

Father nodded "he will..." then he suddenly turns to me again "...but after graduation we will be flying back to uk for your treatment am i clear?"

I chuckle and nod "yes sir, clear" after that i went to stare at dad's back.

"Dad" i called him softly.

He was still crying and it just broke me.

"Dad ill be okay, ill fight this again but before that i just need time" i apologetically explained.

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