Yes Men (67)

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note: I know that in the comics Fitz also has a holographic monkey, but this one is completely of my own, I don't read the comics, and I have no idea how that works. It's a sort of based on the comic monkey,


While Sif was talking to Coulson in the command room, Andromeda looked to Fitz, who was doing stuff with the holographic monkey he had had from Sanchez. She had the monkey from Tony, who had designed it with artificial intelligence.

It was a deadhead monkey, and god, he seemed so happy with it. He had called him Henry. And she... She... If she closed her eyes, she could see Sanchez sitting next to him, doing stuff with-

"Eh... I am so sorry to bother you."

She had been standing against a wall, but now, agent Simmons stood next to her.

"I... Eh... I heard that you're the guardian of the living, isn't it?"

"Jemma... I don't bite."

Simmons was seemingly surprised that Andromeda knew her first name. She could do nothing more then laugh..

"I can see you are surprised by me, acknowledging your first name. Let me explain this to you, before I answer your question. You only need you to touch my hand."

With a bit of doubt, Simmons gave her hand to Andromeda, but when she touched Andromeda her hand, she saw everything in her head what Andromeda wanted to explain to her, just like a movie.  And that made her keen as a hyperactive boyband fangirl.

"You are really able to transform in any creature you desire? How is that scientiffically possible? And-"

"Of course I will pay your friend down stairs a visit," Andromeda said. "I will see what I can do for her."

Simmons her eyes became great. Andromeda walked past her, downstairs, to the  med pod.

Skye would be lying is she said she wasn't surprised by having someone in full Asguardian battle armor in the med pod.

"You know, I had expected some company. But I didn't saw this coming."

"You'd rather expected your friends 'happy face' and 'My face is twenty-four seven on hate mode?"

Andromeda dropped her scepter next to Skye her bed, and sat down.

"Okay, I'm actually having a billion of questions, but my first-"

"Why I sound so not-Asguardian? That is because I have spend more time on Midguard then at my home realm," Andromeda answered. "And spending a lot of time with Tony Stark works quite well too."

"I bet, but-"

"Stalking me with questions to feed your curiosity, isn't something for now," Andromeda continued. "Give me your arm."

"What are you-"

"Ssh. Give me your arm."

Andromeda took Skye her arm, and Skye moaned from the feeling that went through her body.

"What...What have you..."

A few seconds later, she was asleep.

"Lady Andromeda, we- What happend?"

Simmons stood in the opening of the med-pod.

"Nothing special. When she awakes, she should be good as new. But you were saying-?"

"Oh... Eh... We have found the location of Lorelei. Lady Sif requested your presence by taking Lorelei in."

Andromeda grinned. "Good. Wouldn't miss it for all the gold in the universe."

Sometimes things are more magical than you know ~ Agents of SHIELD #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now