The story of Andromeda of Asguard ~ Intermezzo + author note

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Hey my loves! Here's something loose from the story. I thought it would be interesting to tell the story of Andromeda, aka agent Nyla Sanchez, so you'll better understand mentions of her future, past, and current life. That might be helpfull, I hope.
And... We all know that Marvel's agent Carter is coming :D I'm planning to make Peggy an old friend of Sanchez. So, when the show has aired, I might do some "flashbacks" to the past of Sanchez. You'll understand after this chapter, I hope, think, and guess.
Well... Enjoy :)


There are lots of stories about how the universe as we know it began. Some people believe in a big bang, what created all life. Some believe in god, who created the earth in six days. You're also having people who believe in Amon-Ra, the egyptian god of the sunlight, and the greek god Zeus, who created the earth together with his brothers.
As you can expect, we're also having the Norse mythology version of the "How did everything start" story. We know that it was Odin, together with his two brothers, who created the earth. But what happend before all of this? What happend at the literal beginning of time? At the beginning of the universe?
In the beginning, there was nothing more then emptyness, called the Ginungagap. There were just two diffrent worlds who existed. In the north, there was the world of ice, called Niflheim. In the south, there was the world of fire, Muspellheim. The emptyness, Ginungagap, separated the two worlds from each other.
In the middle of Niflheim, there was a water source, called Hvergelmir, what meaned 'the roaring cauldron.'
Out of Hvergelmir, there came twelve diffrent streams, each one with a diffrent name. They were called Svöl, Gunurd, Formfimbul, Þul, Slíd, Hríd, Sylg, Ylg, Víd, Leiptr, Gjöll and Niflhel. All together, they were called Elivágar.
But there was also something else, that came out of the Hvergelmir. A young girl, A young lady, and a old woman. They called them selves Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. Past, Present, and Future. They could take every form they wanted, and every single one of them had powers who went far above everyone's imagination. 
The streams of the Elivágar streamed away from Hvergelmir, and the streams ended up in the icy coldness. The water vapor what levitated of the streams became frost. This was how ice came in the primordial space.

The ice world Niflheim was a horrible place to be. Everything was cold and dark. That's why the three sisters decided to go to Muspellheim, the world of fire. Everything over there was warm, and full of light.
But the ice in the primordial space was melting. Someone or something had sended a heat, so powerful, that the drops of the melted ice started to live. They took the form of a man, a horrible creature. But the sisters Verdandi, Urd, and Skuld knew that this was the first 'real' living being in the universe. They called him Ymir, the frost giant.
Skuld, who had taken the form of a young woman, knew that Ymir would cause them a lot of trouble. And so it happend. On a night, Ymir sweated a lot in his sleep, and the drops of his sweat became a woman, and a man.
Skuld could also see what the actions of Ymir and his off-spring could bring them, and that something like him wasn't destend to live for ever. That's why someone had to make sure he wouldn't live until the end of time.
Verdandi, Urd, and Skuld took a bit of earth out of Muspellheim, and they created a guardian for the living, someone who would make sure that everything that was supposed to live would live, and everything what was supposed to be dead, would die.
This guardian had the forms of what we know as a woman, and they gave her everything she could possibily need. Powers to create life by herself, and so much more. People would be speaking about her powers until the end of time.
They also knew that she could not do this on her own. They also needed someone who would guide the dead, who would make sure what was dead stayed dead, and if something needed to die - because of special circumstances - would die. That is why they took another bit of earth, and they made a guardian with the forms of what we know as a man.
Just like the guardian of the living, he got everything he cold possibily need. And just like the guardian of the living, people would talk about his powers until the end of days.
When the three sisters saw what they had made, they decided to give their creations special names. They called their guardian of the living "Andromeda," and their guardian of the dead "Dragon."

Time passed. A lot of time. Dragon and Andromeda - who prefered the name 'Dré' for weird reasons - learned everything they needed to know, and were having front seats when the gods were born. From the beginning, Andromeda served Búri, who would become the father of Bor, the first king of Asguard. While Dragon lived in a demension only for the dead, Andromeda explored living with amongst other living beings. And she enjoyed it.
In later times, she helped Odin and his brothers, Vé and Vili, to destroy Ymir, because he had taken the light away. She was there, when Odin and his brothers created Midguard, and she was there when the gods came to Asguard, the Norns took their places at the tree "Yggdrasil," and Odin asked her to be the goddess of every living being, and to be his advisor. Often she had showed, that her wisdom was more worth than a thousand men.
Andromeda became one of the most powerful woman of Asguard. She served the all father Odin as best as she could, and she was even there at the birth of Thor Odinson.
She became one of Thor and Loki their teachers, and they adored her. They could listen for hours to the stories she told them, and each story had a special message, a lesson for life.

When Thor reached the age of ten, Andromeda asked Odin permission to leave Asguard, to explore live on Midguard. Odin thanked her for her years of loyal service, and she left to Midguard, where she lead  a dozen of lives. As a human, gaining knowledge.
And then, after plenty of years... She stood at the start of the SSR, a organisation what would become one of the greatest agencies the world has ever known.


There it is :D I hope you all like it, and for more about Sanchez her time at the SSR, you need to read her upcoming flashbacks xo
love you all

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