Chapter 6. Future Plans And Meeting Izuku's Mom

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1 week later

"Stan I have some good news" said Izuku over the phone.

"Oh? What is it Izuku" said Stan a little weak.

"That project I've been working on for years... It's finally built and it works... It really works..." Said Izuku.

"Haha I'm so happy to hear that Izuku and I'm sorry I couldn't come, my doctor won't let me out of the hospital" said Stan.

"It's ok and I'll be sure to visit you this weekend" said Izuku.

"Hehe it'll be amazing to have your company. Oh sorry I have to go my nurse is calling me" said Stan.

"Alright goodbye Stan" said Izuku.

"Goodbye Izuku".


Izuku was sitting on the holotable at his desk in his and Mei's work room and reading about something that caught his attention.

"An asteroid called 16 Psyche is passing by earth and in 4 months would be close enough to possibly send a rocket and bring it closer.

Not only that but because of the precious metals it'd easily be worth $10,000 quadrillion..." Thought Izuku as he leaned back into his chair.

"Jarvis do we have any sketches or plans that can go to space?".

"As of no sir except the ideas for future space stations to colonize the Galaxy. should I open up another private server to do so?" Said Jarvis.

"Yes and download all known information of space travel and everything needed to go to space and get ourselves an asteroid" said Izuku smirking. "This world will be lead to a new era and not be stuck in the past sucking it's dick over quirks any longer.

And not only that but we only have a 4 month long window to get that asteroid or it'll be out of reach for 5 years" said Izuku.

Jarvis just chuckled "should I ask Nezu for some advanced pay for this project?".

"Knowing that rat he's already aware and will make sure I can do it without the government breathing down my neck".

"Your very right Midoriya" said Nezu appearing out of nowhere.

"So will you make sure I'll have clearance to make rockets and send them to space?

Because the plan I have in the works right now will first require me to send Droids to our orbit and begin collecting all the space debris. After that I'll send more advanced robots up there and have them turn all the scrap metal into a orbital space station. That shall act as a refuel center for the rockets that will go and grab this asteroid I plan on getting" said Izuku. "After that they'll move the asteroid closer to earth and I'll have the space station move to the asteroid and anchor itself to it. Then I'll slowly start building off it and building a massive industrial plant on the asteroid and shuttle the resources. Back to earth to my factory's on earth to turn them into a refined metal".

"Don't worry Midoriya I'll be sure to do that and I'll wire you some advanced payments to help speed up the process. Plus I'll help you start your own company if you'd like" said Nezu.

"I appreciate that but I have my eyes on a company and I plan on buying it and turning into a industrial company" said Izuku.

"Oh and what would that be?" Said Nezu.

"Marvel studios, I'll by the title of it since it's a dead company and turn it into Marvel Industries and change this world with them" said Izuku.

Nezu only grinned in response "I'll get the paperwork ready for you" said Nezu as he slowly faded away.

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