Chapter 19. Rescue And Father

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Katsuki was sitting in the prisoner van silent but internally he was screaming in rage because of what Izuku did to him, now he can't be a hero because he had to speak up.

As the van was passing over a bridge heading to the juvenile detention center it suddenly flipped over slamming into the ground and spinning before it slammed into the side railing and flew off landing on the ground.

"Damnit..." Groaned Katsuki as his head was bleeding from something hitting him in the head.

A couple seconds later the door was turned to dust and the figure of Shigaraki appeared.

"Hello Bakugo" said Shigaraki with a grin "seems your in a tough spot, want some help?".

"What the fuck do you want!?".

"Oh where are my manners, we've come here to rescue you and invite you to the league of villains and if you say no well... You'll still be useful to us".

"Give me one goddamn reason to join you crusty face".

"We can help you get revenge on Midoriya, how does that sound?".

Katsuki was silent as he thought it over before he grinned darkly "as long as I get to kill Deku then I'm in".

"Hehehe very well but first" said Shigaraki as he released him from his restraints "I want you to kill these guards to prove it".

He looked over at the guard and as he stared at him he started to imagine it as Deku and then he walked over and placed his hand right Infront of the man's face.


An massive explosion ripped through the truck blowing the man's body apart to the point it couldn't be identified except by the blood.

"Like I said, as long as I get to kill that worthless Deku I'm in" said Katsuki.

"Hehe good, Kurogiri take us back".

A black and purple portal opened behind them and both of them walked through it to the other side arriving in a bar.

"Tomura I see your mission was a success" said the TV screen with the man sounding amused.

"Yes sensei, Bakugo here will help us kill All Might and end hero society" said Shigaraki.

"Pssh, killing All Might is impossible and besides I'm only in this to kill Deku" said Katsuki.

"Deku? Oh, You mean the quirkless genius" said All for one with a hint of reverence in his voice "he truly is a genius but it's such a shame he's a hero, imagine what he could do for us. I'd almost be willing to recruit him leave his mind be just so I don't damage it since he's a once and a life time genius that even I pale in comparison too".

"But sensei he's just a quirkless nobody, he doesn't even stand on the same stage as you!".

"Hmhmhm oh no Tomura that's where your both right and wrong, your right on standing on the same stage as me but with his mind I believe the only person that can even compare is Nezu in sheer intelligence. I mean to believe creating a Cold fusion reactor which was just a theoretical theory for hundreds of years at the age of 16".

Even Garaki himself was amazed at the man's mind and all but begged to try and recruit him onto their side.

"Well you can do whatever you want with his brain after I kill the bastard, now where the fuck am I sleeping you gassy fuck!" Snarled Katsuki.

Kurogiri just sighed and gestured to the stairs "third door to the right, first door on the left is the bathroom".

Katsuki shoved his hands in his pocket and stomped off to take a nap "bring me some food in 3 hours you shitty fuck".

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