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(Y/N) Pov.

I was laying on my bed while looking up at the ceiling while thinking about what was going on. First it was Shinichiro, second it was Mikey, then Baji and now Mitsuya! What is going on? Getting up from my bed and seeing it was getting close to night time as I was thinking if I should get a hold of Sam or not. My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ring with a knock. I walked out of my room and headed to the door as I noticed that Takemichi is not home yet as I shrugged and grabbed the door knob as I turned it and opened the door.

"Huh?" Flowers were pushed into my face as I grabbed them and put them down as I saw Mikey standing there while looking to the side.

"These are for you (y/n)-chan." Mikey said as I smiled a little and looked at the flowers before looking back at Mikey.

"Um...Thank you? Can I ask why you are giving me flowers?" I asked him as he looked at me with a smile.

"Just for you to have plus let's go somewhere tonight! Just the two of us okay?" Mikey said as I raised an eyebrow at him as I sighed and nodded.

"Okay let me get my necklace." I said while walking off and put the flowers in a vase before heading to my room and putting my necklace on.

Once I got my necklace on I headed back to Mikey as he was waiting for me, as he saw me he smiled with his eyes closed.

"Ready (y/n)-chan?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah." I said as he headed out and I followed him to his bike as he got on and I got on in the back while wrapping my arms around his waist so I don't fall off.

He turns on his bike and starts driving off as I hold onto him tightly while laying my head on his back as I close my eyes. As he was driving he turned his head to look at me as he looked back and drove faster as he was heading somewhere. After a while he stopped and I sat up while looking around and saw that we were by the ocean.

'Wow, it's so beautiful.' I thought to myself as I got off his bike as he got off also and stood beside me.

"Tomorrow is going to be the fight between us and Valhalla." Mikey said as I looked at him as he looked at the ocean. "And that means I have to fight Baji..." he said as he looked at me as I could tell he was hurting that he had to fight his good friend.

"You and Baji are close huh?" I asked as he nodded and looked back at the ocean.

"Yeah, he and I kinda grew up together." He said as I nodded while turning my head to look at the ocean.

We stayed quiet for a while till I felt him hugging me and burying his face in the crook of my neck as I blushed a little by his actions. I slowly hugged him back as he tightened his hug.

"You know what (y/n)...I'm still upset about what happened today." He said as I was confused as he pulled away from my neck and looked at me while placing his left hand on my cheek while looking at me. "That you let Mitsuya kiss you."

"O-oh...sorry." I said as he leaned in while looking into my eyes with a slight glare.

"You better be because you're mine now. Not my big brothers or Mitsuya's you're mine." Mikey said as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wh-what?" I said as he leaned more closer as his lips were just hovering mine.

"You are mine (y/n), and I will not let you go." Mikey said as he placed his lips on mine while he kissed me deeply and hard as I was shocked by what he said.

'His?!' I thought as he slid his tongue into my mouth as I slowly kissed back as I gripped onto his jacket a little.

After awhile as he was making out with me he soon was pulled away from me as was punched in the face before I was pulled into someone's arms in a protective way. I looked up and saw it was Baji as he was glaring at Mikey. As for Mikey he was on the ground glaring at Baji while whipping some blood from his nose.

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