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Prosecutor Jeon paced around the office, a scary expression of calmness defining his facial features

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Prosecutor Jeon paced around the office, a scary expression of calmness defining his facial features. His serene silence told Heiran that she was in trouble. A crumpled piece of sticky note that was carefully smoothed out was thrown on the desk and Heiran's eyes darted back and forth between the sicky note and the prosecutor who prowled around her.

She couldn't believe that she was actually feeling intimidated by him. Seriously, who does he think he is?

"So I received the fingerprint analysis report for that note a few minutes ago." The Silent Wolf stated ominously.

Heiran feigned innocence. "And?"

"There was no way of distinguishing another fingerprint if there was any because another fingerprint was slathered all over it." Jungkook's voice took a deadly turn and she gulped as he finished pointing a finger at her face, "Yours, Prosecutor Ahn."

Heiran fumbled around for an excuse and when she couldn't find one, she opted for the offense. "W-what are you trying to say, Prosecutor Jeon? That I am the murderer?"

"Which is a possibility I am willing to consider if you keep acting like an absolute fledgling!" Jungkook declared.

"Fledge– what?"

"I can't believe this! Are you a rookie, Prosecutor Ahn? Don't you know how evidence such as this, a clear threat against you, has to be handled?"


"Do you even realize what you've done, Ms. Ahn? If you hadn't crumpled up the paper like that we might have had the culprit in our hands by now!"

"G-give me a break! I was drunk! It was an accident, I didn't mean to mess up the note like that! It was a mistake!"

"Since when have you ever been sober enough, Ms. Ahn?"

Heiran's jaw hung open at the blatant insult. "Excuse you!"

Oh, she was pissed. The heck was the guy's problem? How dare he insinuate that Heiran was an alcoholic in her face. It was partially true but that was beyond the point. Who was he to judge her? Had he gone through a hell of a lot of love failures like her? Had he experienced the heartache she had? Had he ever put up with toxic controlling men for months like her? She extremely doubted it.

But still, there he was, judging her like he had known her all her life without any scruples. Heiran's fists clenched. Her days had been going quite bad and she had finally found the perfect victim for her wrath. However, before she could open her mouth, the door was thrown open and Yoongi stood outside, perplexed.

"Hold on, what did I just hear? We had the culprit?"

"Almost had them, Asst. Min. If only dear Ms. Ahn Heiran over here hadn't messed up." Jungkook replied, throwing a distasteful look her way.

Heiran scoffed aggressively. "Hah! Mr. Jeon, you're being too harsh with your words! You don't even know if there were any fingerprints on the note at all!" She countered.

"There was a possibility, Ms. Ahn, a possibility. We could've gotten lucky if only you–"

"Oh please," Heiran cut him off, "You don't know for sure if that note was indeed from the Yeongsan murderer. I only gave you the note because of a suspicion. However, that doesn't mean it was from them. It could have been someone else! It could've been from a... a secret admirer maybe! It's plausible, I often get those..."

Heiran loftily tucked her hair behind her ears, examining her nails. Yoongi let out a loud snort.

Jungkook watched in what appeared to be utter bafflement before he slowly lifted the sticky note in his hands and positioned himself in front of her so that she could have a good look. "Secret admirer?" He pointed a finger at the note, "This is creepy."

Heiran cleared her throat, "Well, a stalker then. Still doesn't prove that it's the Yeongsan murderer."

"And who's fault is that?" Jungkook retorted with equal vigor and she was out of comebacks. Her temper rose along with the color in her cheeks and she snapped, "MR. JEON, YOU ARE GOING TOO FAR. I WON'T HESITATE TO—"

What she wouldn't hesitate to do, he might never know, since Yoongi interrupted right at that moment sensing an outburst.

"Oh–oh–oh, Ahn Heiran! Calm down!" Yoongi stalked forward cautiously. "Calm down. Take deep breaths. 1, 2, 3."

It was incredible how Yoongi's voice worked like a charm on her. Jungkook watched mystified as Heiran shut up and held herself back. Suddenly, throwing a glare this way that he swore could give nightmares to a hellhound, she stormed out. His bewildered eyes drifted up to Yoongi who was left behind.

"Oh, I was worried, Mr. Prosecutor," Yoongi began as he met his eyes before adding with a smirk, "for you."

When Jungkook slanted a questioning eye-brow, he explained, "You see? Heiran has quite the temper if provoked. I advise you not to do that in the future."

With that final warning echoing in the office, Yoongi walked out, leaving Jungkook behind with a sticky note.

Heiran was right. Nothing about the note gave definite evidence that the sender was the person they were after. It could have been anyone else just like she said and he whole-heartedly hoped that was the case. But Jungkook believed Heiran's initial suspicions had too much solid ground to go ignored. There was a possibility that it was from the killer. Especially considering the way the note was phrased. He sighed, narrowing his eyes at it before he walked to the nearest whiteboard and wrote down a letter.


Who was Y? What did it mean? Most importantly, was it indeed the Yeongsan murderer like he thought? If so, Heiran was in deep trouble. And he critically doubted that it was only her.

 And he critically doubted that it was only her

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A/n: This is another triple update. Refer back to the previous chapter if you haven't.

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