chapter 1

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* This chapter is about jungkook

Jeon Jungkook loves to write diary, his diary is full of complaints about life,
Some of the complaints are;

• why his life is like this?
•why his life is too complicated?
• why he has to live in poverty?
• why God has made his life so difficult?
• why his father was heartless?

and so many other questions , that he  asks daily but can't seems to find answer anywhere .

Every day ,  each new page of his diary starts with titles i.e. ;

        " why my life is a Big trouble " 

        "Why I can't live in peace ?"


~Why his life  is an endless series of problems.

~And why? the solution to one problem leads to  the creation of another one.

You must be thinking why he has so many complaints , it's not his fault 😑

// Flashback//

He was 10 years old when his father kicked them out ( jk , his little sister and mother) . His parents had love marriage but that didn't turn out well , his father was an alcohol addict & he  often comes home drunk with different women. His father used to abuse his mother ,he saw his mother cries and bruises daily because of the man her mother loves the most . And in the end his father kicked them out of the house .



That night, he can't erased that painful night from his memory, his little sister was 2 years old at that time and his father kicked them out with no money, they spent that night in a park under the slide overhead .


That day he made sure that he will study hard and will change their life but you know,  life has other plans for jungkook.. it didn't turn out as he expected.

After that night in the park, his mother asks her old school  friend for some help and she gave her upper portion of house to them on rent.

Jungkook's mother knows about sewing clothes so she started sewing other's clothes. She saw her mother worked day and night to made enough money to give them good education and food.
They only ate chicken twice a month.
He saw her mother fulfilling their needs by sacrificing herself, he saw his mother wearing old worn out shoes and clothes just to give them  new every Christmas.

Seeing all this made him hate his father more, his mother was an orphan she didn't had anybody except his father and he the love of her life betrayed her .

All these things made him believe that there is nothing like love in this world , all people does is lie and hurt others in the name of love , he believes that marriage is nothing but slavery , he believes all men are like his father.

//Present time//

As I was writing my diary,  my mother comes in our room with electricity bill in her hand , she starts scolding my younger sister why she didn't turn off the light of the washroom , she always forget to turn off the light in the night when she goes to washroom .

After her scolding lecture, we ate dinner in silence and they go to sleep except me as;
I was not feeling sleepy so I went to the rooftop and lay their on a mat , I like seeing moon and stars,  they give them a sense of peace ... I wish i was a star without any worry 😕
Actually , I'm tired of this life where we have to take each step cautiously, I want to complete my education quickly, I want to buy new clothes for my mother , I want to buy all those things that my little sister desires but can't askk for , I want my family to eat whatever they want and don't have to wait for Christmas to eat good food .
Asking for this is not too much huh??
I think it's too much , I can't afford happiness ...
My sister often tells me that I think so negatively,  I don't see positive , you tell me how can I see positive when I'm in such a mess .
And My mother, she tells me not to loose hope and think good and hope for the best but I can't do this I don't  like  to make castles in the air.
On the contrary,  Kim Seokjin believes "life is a beautiful thing " . He is someone who cannot even remotely relate to the kind of life that jungkook lives.

// sorry for grammar or typing mistakes
I hope it's not boring , it's a short story,
Feel free to give your view points in comment section


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