chapter 99

541 61 13


You said you loves me but you left

You said you trusts me but you didn't

You said you will never left me but you left

You knew abt me , how could you think that I ever cheated on you?

Didn't you knew that I loved you ?

And now when you are saying that you loves me , I don't knw if I should believe in your words

What if you left me again ?

What if some people will say things abt me and then you will believe those people and not me ?

And now I'm not alone , I have my baby,  and you are now associated with him , you can hurt me , though you already hurted me  but I don't want you to hurt hwan


You want me to give you second chance , JIN?

You know jin , after hwan , I stopped thinking abt myself

It's always hwanie first and then me

And for hwan , for hwan's happiness , for hwan's bright future , for hwan's security and safety , I can give you a second chance

Becuase with you in all lives he became happy , I didn't knew that he was missing his dad too much in his life , so im ready to accept you in my life ,in our life

Hearing this jin smiles happily and held Jungkook's hands

But jungkook draws his hands back from jin's hold, jin felt sad when jungkook

said ;

But if you want the jungkook who loves you with every cell of his body ,i can't give you that back

If you want the jungkook back who was ready to gave up on his life for you, I can't give you that back jin

If you want to held my hand , I don't want you to held my hand

If you want to touch me , I don't want to feel your touch

Those were not 4 years between us , those were like  4 decades jin,

The love that I had for you is not dead but it's just lost somewhere

It's lost now

I don't know where to find that love

Tears were running down from both of their eyes , making the vision blurry , jungkook wipes his own tears and then said

So please don't expect the jungkook of 4 years back now , becuase the jungkook standing infront of you are not the same persons anymore


I'm sorry , I-I am sorry


I'm going inside , hwan will get scared if he didn't found me there in the room


Thankyou for including me in your life jungkook!

I love you !  And I promise I will help you find that lost love 


I know I said I will update tomorrow, but here the last update of today !!

I'm a person who believes in giving second chances !

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