chapter 16

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Jk's diary :-

Sometimes, a bad day turns into a bad week, which finally becomes a bad month,

which ends up leading to generalized bad times. And you struggle. You feel like you've been thrown into a battlefield you did most certainly not ask for.

But you are here. And you have to keep fighting.

Sometimes, staying alive is like taking a spoon of the medicine you hate the most. This syrup solution is bitter, hard to swallow and straight up disgusting so you block your nose with the other hand and drink it anyways because you have no other options. The same thing happens here.

When you don't want to fight anymore because you are just so tired, all you have to do is to blindly trust you're gonna make it out alive. You have to keep fighting. Even if you are crawling on the floor.

Dear Diary !

Today ...!!

I am sad ... in fact, I feel so sad that I want nothing more than to curl up in bed and cry.

I won't of course; there are too many things to be done ...

all those adult life responsibilities that never seem to stop no matter how tired I am of it all.

But I would give anything to be held ... to be treated like a child and be found when I am lost ... to be gathered up in arms that feel big when I feel so very small and so very alone. I would give anything for a moment like that right now ... just a little moment in a very long day.

I guess I'm just tired ... and sad ... and I wish ... I wish .... life was easier for me too..

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