chapter 43

546 51 39

Jungkook and seokjin reached the village and started working on their project

They work diligently on their project , they collected information by going door to door and asked questions regarding their project ..

After taking 50 samples they decided that it will be enough so they went towards the park near the river bank and sat there ..

Jungkook and jin together highlighted the important points and then wrote them in their laptop it was just before 5pm they finished their work and

Jin said :

Ahh I'm soooo hungry !!

Let us eat something ,urghh jungkook u made me work empty stomach i will never forget this..


What do you mean by I made u work empty stomach , I asked you while we were taking samples that let's eat something but u said

no , we will eat after we finished the work, so you don't put your words in my mouth , God you are unbelievable



Okay I know , I said this but can't you remind again that no jin let's eat first , work comes after but ist priority should always be eating..


Okay now this is also my fault,  jin what do you think , am I your eomma ? Your care taker? Your boyfriend??


**Grins mischievously **

Well it would be nice to have you as my boyfriend 😁 we would be that couple who fought alot but can't live without each other!


Yahh!! W-what are you talking ! All of a sudden , y-you umm let ..let just go,  eat something

Jungkook said this and started packing things and putting them in the bagpack..

They ate from a small food shop in the village  , the place was congested but the food was so good , jin didn't want to eat at such a place but jungkook insisted saying that the food would be good, and you don't have to act like mummy's boy all the time and should try things from these small shops , as they always tastes heavenly ..

Jin was nagging alot before coming to this shop but now when jungkook looks at him , jungkook chuckled as jin's cheeks were full with food and jin was putting more and more food in his mouth,  and jungkook think that he might choked at this rate so jungkook said ;

Jin was nagging alot before coming to this shop but now when jungkook looks at him , jungkook chuckled as jin's cheeks were full with food and jin was putting more and more food in his mouth,  and jungkook think that he might choked at this rate s...

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