chapter 28

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Jin drops jungkook at the bus stop and waits there with till the bus arrives and said goodbye ..

In the bus:-

Jk thought it's strange , in all my life, i a was friend with hobi, but now jimin and this unwanted friend ...

It's not like I don't want to make more friends ,  just like everyone of my age, they have tons of friends , but for me , my past experience was pretty much bad , no one was my friend except hobi, all of them made fun of me that my father throw us out of the house , my mother stitch clothes and I'm the most poor thing in the school..

No one wants a friend like me , but here in university , first jimin, though he is a good guy,but still I don't trust him much , I can't share things with him as I share easily with hobi , I'm pretty sure when he gets to know about these things that I hide , he will left me..

I sometimes wonder how different our life would have been , if father didn't left us alone, if mother don't have to work day or night for us to have a decent life , if I was the same me , the 7 years old jeon jungkook, the happiest kid with sparkling, who was talkative , who likes to made new friends , who people think as adorable at that time the only bad trait in him was that, he didn't have any interest in  study, he wants to play all day and gets only passing marks ..

But now the 20  years old , jeon jungkook, who people think as cold , arrogant ahjusshi,  who is no more adorable , whose eyes no more sparkle now, whose only good quality is that he is intelligent . . But he was not like this from the start, he started studying because he wants to become something his mother can proud of , he left all his plays,  all his cute little adventures , and spend all his time in studying to become what he is now , but still not sure that studying will helps him getting a decent job....

He is doing hardwork from the age of 10, but still not sure if tomorrow is going to be better than yesterday,  no matter how much he wants to play around like the boys of his age , he can't  , he can't afford such luxuries , he has a family that he has to look after , he don't his mother to work all life for him and his sister , so as people said , you have to leave something to get something, he leaves his happiness, his adventures, his enjoyments , his true personality for the life he is living now ...

But now I wanted to learn how to just be me...
But that's not possible for someone like me , I have lots and lots of things that I have to take care of ..

Being in a university , made for rich, carefree, and  happy students made me realise that people like me don't have to be here , it just added more fuel to your already burning soul, here I saw students , who have everything they wanted in their lives , they have money,  they have status , they have loving parents , even if they have single parent , they still are rich enough to get everything they wanted, they have good food to eat, they have lots of friends, they enjoy a lot , they party,  they go on trips,  they have beautiful faces , they have the best fate , some of the students have their own business , in this age , when I can't afford buying 2 clothes at the same time , they are running their own business , life is so unfair for the rich and for the poor ...



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