chapter 34

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Jin's phone ringed in his pocket  , that wakes him from his sleep, it was from his dad..


Hi dad

Jin's dad:-

Hi, sorry , did I disturb your sleep? You sound sleepy ?


Oh no it's okay, why did u call?

Jin's dad:-

Just to inform you that me and your mom are not coming back as we planned , we have a conference to attend in Germany, so we will try to come home next weekend.
I'm sorry son, I know we can't give you proper time , but we are making this money and all these efforts just for you to be happy , so that you have all the necessities of life
You understand this huh?


Yes dad , don't worry, it's not like you both did this for the first time ,I'm used to this, and yeah you are making all this money, for me to be happy and enjoy my life ..

Good bye dad, take care of yourself and mom

Jin's dad:-

We love you jin, good bye

After the call ended :-

Jin's pov:-

Both of them says that they are working hard , staying away from the house , making money day and night for me to enjoy the all the necessities and luxuries of life , so that I can be happy , yes these luxuries , this money,  made me happy;

but at the cost of me staying away from my parents ,at the cost of me not getting the physical affection,  at the cost of not getting the attention I want from my parent, they only thought that they are fulfilling their purpose by giving me money and all stuff, but I want them , I want them to live me in our house, I want to lay my head on my mother's lap and tell her about all the things that happens in my university my college my school,  wanted to be scolded for my mistakes , I wanted my father to play with me like the other children's father.

I want to eat the food that my mother prepares for me , wanted to have the silliest conversation at the dining table , but all they talk about  is business.

May be one can call me as ungrateful,  but I want to experience these , yes I knoe I have these luxuries of life , but is it too selfish and ungrateful of me to want my parents love too ??

Jin was deep in his thoughts,  when he noticed the changes in the Jungkook's facial expression,

Like he has seen a ghost in dreams, then he saw a tear slips from Jungkook's eye, jin immediately sat on Jungkook's bed , and starts patting his head softly, he then wipes his tears and caress his cheek and plant a small kiss on Jungkook's forehead,  and see the wrinkles that were on the Jungkook's forehead before disappears and jungkook again went to dreamland peacefully ..

Jin remains there on Jungkook's bed , and observes Jungkook's features closely , he has more time now to look at jungkook closely than when he hugs jungkook after winning the match .

So he watch jungkook,  he looks at the back hair fringes that are covering Jungkook's forehead partially,  then he noticed the eyebrows that were perfectly shaped

And the eyes , his eye lashes perfectly resting

The nose , favourite part of Jungkook's face , huhh did I say my favourite , well i don't think I said something like, but if ...if I said this then it's not wrong , who can not like that nose

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