chapter 82

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Next day , jin woke up Next to namjoon

They did make out, kisses each other , but didn't do anything more

Looking at namjoon , is making jin breathless , he wants to feel the fresh air

So he gets up from the bed , walks outside the room to the balcony , where he sat on a chair


All those who play with my innocent baby,  I will not leave you like nothing happend , I will make you all pay for your sins

And then ... I will come to you soon , jungkook, if we can't be together in this world , may be up in the sky we can be together!!?

While he was thinking abt this , namjoon came behind jin and back hugs jin

While jin holds namjooon hand's saying;

You woke up early?


Namjoon places a kiss on the side of jin's cheek and said ;

Becuase you were not there

And jin makes namjoon come in front of him , making him sat on his lap as he wraps his arms around namjoon saying;

Let's get married , namjoon-ah?


Are you serious?



I mean we can take it slowly


Isn't this wait of 4 years enough???


Aunty ?

You will not belive it

Mrs kim:-(jin's mother)

What happend now?


Yesterday jin came to my home

Mrs kim:-



Jin aunty,  he came to my home , and he said , he wanted  to marry me

Mrs kim:-

Are you hurt somewhere namjoon-ah?

Did you saw a dream?

Or you hurt your head

What are you saying?


I'm not lying aunty

Jin really came back

He was so heartbroken

He said , he realised , he realised my true love for him

At least , we  succeeded aunty

Mrs kim:-

That brat
Didn't came home

Take him to our home, and let's start the wedding preparations

I will make this wedding as big as I can , all the people will get to see , that my son is marrying


We are coming in a few hours

At jin's House:-

When jin enters his house, he was greeted by his so called mother , who hugged him as if his life depends on him and it's actually his money filled life depends on me marrying namjoon because she wants me to marry someone more rich than us

Mrs kim:-

Omo my baby , my jiinie
Look at his face , he has lost so much weight,
I ask Sophia to make your favorites dishes , I want my chubby cheeks baby back

And jin smiles softly

And just like that , the wedding preparations starts



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