chapter 106

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Jin was laying on the bed , close to fall asleep becuase of the effect of pain medication

Jungkook was sitting on the floor beside jin's


You know jin , when we were apart , there's  a part of me that was soo desperate to know if my abscense has done any damage to you ?

I wanted to knw if you are in the same pain as I am ..

Becuase for me , your love was real

I wanted to knw that there is a possibility that you too, experiencing long restless nights due to the thought of me?

That your heart is also broken in the same places as mine ,jinnie

I wanted to knw so badly that I'm not the only one hurting from this,  I wanted to knw that I..I actually meant something to you

I used to think that whenever you think of me your chest tightens and it makes it hard for you to breath,  may be you can call me selfish , cruel for wishing that for you

But I think that way becuase I myself felt that pain ,that ache in my heart


You meant the world to me jungkook ..
I tried to hate you, tried to think of you as some piece of shit who left me just for money

But you knw I was not able to hate you, becuse deep jnside my heart I knew that I loved you , I loved you and that you loved me with the same intensity with the same passion as me.

And I still loves you !

You wanted to knw how I felt , I felt like dying without you

My heart sinks and my chest tightens whenever I thought abt you

I hated myself for leaving you, for accusing you of cheating.

The day I get to knw that you died in a bus accident , it was like my world collapsed

I felt difficulty in breathing,  it was like someone stabbing on my body , as if someone was cutting me into pieces but not letting me die

When jimin told me abt how he lied , I tried to take revenge on your behalf and by leaving namjoon on the wedding day , I was ready to take my life but proff lee saved me , and brought me to you and haani

I love you jungkook

Jungkook's mouth opens to say something when jin said :


No ! I'm not expecting a statement from you, I'm just stating the fact that I love you


Strange isn't it?


What is strange ?


How you can be desperately in love with someone even when you haven't spoken to or seen them for years .

Don't you think it's incredible, how despite the distance between two people,
you will never stop loving them , no matter how hard you tried not to love them.

But , I guess,  I guess , that's how love works I suppose ,

You either love them forever or you never loved them to begin with

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