(23) ♠︎The Hero Killer Stain♦︎

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Kusuo's POV:

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Kusuo's POV:

"Watch out Fly!" A pro hero shouted at another
pro hero whom was about to be squashed by a

"I'm starting to regret coming here. I should've just stayed with Uwabami and the others, but oh well."

I stopped the incoming car in mid-air with
psychokinesis, and threw it back at the Nomu
that threw it at the hero.

The car exploded upon contact, making the
heroes cover their eyes. Fortunately, I used my apporting ability to bring some green glasses that looked similar to the ones I had in my past life. I put them on which made it possible for me to not have to cover my eyes from the explosion.

"Are these from my past life..?" I thought. For a moment, nostalgia hit me. Tears began to form in my eyes.

The glasses looked similar, if not, the exact same glasses from my past life.

"Hey kid! What are you doing here?!" A hero
yelled at me.

"I just happened to be passing by." I lied while placing my hands behind my back. And putting the glasses in one of my pockets.

"WATCH OUT!" A girl shouted at me.

"Hm?" I cocked an eyebrow, and looked up to see the brain-faced Nomu.

I turned around, and built up kinetic energy in
my arm, then punched its abdomen, obliterating its torso. The Nomu regenerated, and threw a punch at me.

I catched the punch, and used my quirk on
it, and crumpled the Nomu like a piece of paper.
I then disintegrated what's left of it, and threw the remainings of the Nomu into the air.

"Woah! How did he do that?!"

"Even we can't take it down."

"But he did it single-handedly."

The heroes started murmuring and stared at me
in awe. I sighed, and spoke.

"Don't just stand there. Check if there's any
civillians injured." I ordered the adults.

"This reminds me of the time I was frustrated with the heroes around the first couple of chapters in this fic." I thought and grumbled.

Before anyone could say anything, the other
Nomu flew passed us from the above, while
carrying a woman with its talon-like feet.

"Look! Its Endeavor!" Someone suddenly yelled
while pointing at the said bulky, fiery hero which was chasing the Nomu.

He stuck his foot on the wall of a building, melting the part under his foot, and used his momentum to run up the building and jump high. He held flames in the form of a spear in his hand, and threw it at the winged Nomu, impaling its head which made it fall and let go of the poor lady.

Endeavor ran, and caught the woman before she could fall to the ground.

"You won't get away!"

"Judging by his thoughts, he already took down the other Nomu, meaning that all the Nomu have been immobilized. But that doesn't mean no one was injured."

|| The Destructive Hero: Kusuo Aizawa||Where stories live. Discover now