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It's been two days since I have heard from Izuku. I was starting to get worried. He hasn't texted me back or called.

I did hear the they did get attacked by Silvers men. I'm worried if he got hurt or not.

I was sitting at my desk watching my hands shake. We are supposed to get the new Thick Light shipment in today and I can't wait. My body was slowly running out and I hate when that happens.

Thick Light is more important then anything I would ever need. For many reasons.

Mark came through the door that leads to the back. He looked panicked.

"What is it? Where's the shipment?" I said standing.

"The hero's destroyed it." He said.

"What? Mark!" I yelled.

"It was already gone when we got there." He yelled back.

"But Mark I need that! You understand what this is going to do to me! We used the back up already." I yelled starting to have a panic attack. I sat down in my chair. My whole body shaking. That's when my main office door opened. I looked up my eyes meeting green ones.

"What the hell Izuku! Where have you been!" I yelled standing again.

"Doing my job." He said crossing his arms he seems mad.

"Wha? Why are you mad?" I asked.

"Why am I mad? You gave information to Silver after the funeral. Then they came after us." I was confused at what he said.

"What? no I didn't I was just out to clear my head Izuku. I didn't see Silver at all." I said.

"Sure anyway I just came to tell you that your Thick Light shipment has been compromised." He said. I froze tears coming to my eyes as I realized that he did it.

"Oh come on Y/n don't cry it's just drugs." He said not understanding what he has just done.

"You just killed me." I whispered to myself as I looked at the ground.

"Y/n no I didn't." He said and I got angry.

"You are such a idiot! Get the hell out of my office! I don't want to see your face ever again. Your fucking dead to me you understand!" I yelled as tears fell from my eyes.

"You don't mean that that's the lack of drugs." I punched my desk at his words.

"No I'm serious your dead to me. Mark get him out of here." Mark did as I said but Izuku was fighting him.

"Wait I was just doing my job Y/n!" He yelled.

"The hero Association knows and has agreed not to touch my supply. You crossed a line that I can't forgive you for. Even worse I didn't even betray you to deserve any of this." I said and he was thrown out.

After the door was closed all my bodyguards ran in my office.

"Are you ok Madam?" One said.

"Do you need help?" Another said.

"How long until we need to bring you somewhere?" Another said.

"Boys boys chill a moment. I have until probably tonight until I need to be at the hospital ok. For now let's get me some food and water ok." I said as a bodyguard helped me stand.

"Alright you heard her. From now on I'm in charge the clubs closed time will be extended until Madam is back on her feet. From now on at least one of us will be by her side at all times including at the hospital. Our main job now is to make Thick Light by hand as fast we can." Mark said taking charge.

"Yes sir!" They all replied.

"Now get her upstairs. Put her on the couch and watch her body movement. Once she's well you know let me know immediately. Get her something to eat and drink." Mark said and John the one holding me helped me to my stair well as Mark spat out orders to the others.

We got to my apartment and I was sat on the couch. He stood as the others went to my kitchen. John sat next to me.

"Tell us if anything feels numb. I know how scary this is Madam but we are all here we won't leave." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks guys." I said.

We all talked about stuff as they fed me and gave me water.

At one point Mark did leave to go get the ingredients for Thick Light.

Mark POV

Me and a few guys got into a car to get some things. While I was driving I called the Hero Association.

"Hello this is the main hero's office. My names Sera how my I help you." A woman said on the other line.

"I need to talk to Tara it's a emergency." I said and the line was transferred.

"Hello?" She said and I growled.

"You need to get ahold of your dogs Tara." I said.

"Mark what's the problem?" She asked and I gripped the wheel.

"Your little top dog Midoriya just put Madam in the hospital. Destroyed all the Thick Light including our supply." I said and she gasped.

"What he's only supposed to get Silver." She said.

"I know! Stain pass away a few days ago. Madam went on a walk and for some reason he thinks that she told Silver who they were so he attacked us." She sighed.

"I will bring him in so I can talk to him. Would you like to join the conversation?" She asked.

"Hell yes I would." I said.

"Alright I will email you the details." She said.

"Thank you." I said hanging up.

Y/n POV later that night 12 o'clock at night.

We were basically having a sleepover. That's until I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I couldn't move or blink my breath was getting shallow. Everyone was getting things to take to the hospital seeing that I was only getting worse.

Mark then got the oxygen tank we had on stand by. He put a mask over my mouth and nose. When he was done he picked me up. Someone else grabbed the oxygen and we were off to the hospital.

When we got there I was rushed to a room and put on life support. I could hear the doctor talking to Mark.

"She's ok right?" Mark asked.

"Yes as long as she's on life support she will be. You need to get Thick Light tho. That's the only thing that powers her Metal spinal cord. Without that she might as well be dead." The doctor said. Mark sighed.

"Ok I will get some." Mark said.

"Good in the meantime I will be putting her in a medically induced coma so she's not just sitting there. Also I will replace her spine it's about time for a new one. So after all this I suggest a lot of rest and maybe a cane when she walks around." The doctor said.

"Of course." Mark said and I heard foot steps. Then Mark came into view.

"Hey you most likely heard that. Don't worry ok I will get everything." He nodded at me. I couldn't do anything but look at him.

"I will stay until you fall asleep." He said sitting down out my view. I felt him hold my hand and a tear fell from my eye as the nurse add stuff to my IV.

The last thing going through my head as I fell asleep was how the one I love did this to me.

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