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Me and Izuku had gotten back from a date and it was so romantic I couldn't keep my hands to myself. We already had a around before but I wanted more. We sat in his bed naked. I am straddling him as he sat up kissing me hard and tiredly. He hugged me close to his body as I rocked my hips softly. The lights from the city and moon shining through the windows in the dark room. Thick Light making the room behind me glow purple. My hands running lovingly through his hair. He moaned softly pulling away.

"Uh I love you." He whispered his lips grazing mine. I sighed getting close.

"I love you more." I whispered before we kissed again. He gripped my hips before slamming me down onto him. We pulled away from each other him biting my neck to not cry out. My head leaned back moaning out loudly clawing at his back hard.

"Ah! Izuku! Fuck Uh." I cried coming down from my high as Izuku cam inside for the second time tonight. He rested his head on my chest breathing heavily. I patted his head as my body shook slightly mostly my thighs.

"Are you ok princess?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah just tired now." I laughed making him laugh also.

"Ok but let's just sit for a minute. I don't want to get out yet." He said blushing deeply hugging me.

"Ok just for a bit." I said laying my head on his.

We sat there for about 10 minutes. My eyes getting heavy until he moved. Picking me up off him and gently laying me down on the bed. He cleaned us both up and got a water bottle for me. I took a sip but put it back and laid back down. Izuku laid beside me.

"Momo has a baby shower tomorrow. You want to go?" He asked and I just nodded.

The next day

We got to Momos house and everyone is here.

I just watched as everyone talked and gave gifts. I sighed as I looked at Izuku who was talking to Todoroki.

I have been thinking hard lately. Most my enemies are gone yes but one worries me the most.


He needs to be taken care of before I uh no we do anything with him still around.

I don't want Izuku to be apart of it.

"Hey love." Izuku said grabbing my hand.

"Hm yes?" I said looking up at him.

"The gender reveal is starting. Let's go outside with everyone." He said as I stood.

He took me to the back yard. Everyone was laughing and talking really excited.

Todoroki and Momo stood at a table with two different cakes on it. One side twin number one and the other twin number two.

Everyone got quiet as they started to cut the cake.

"3....2....1!" They counted until showing the color of the cake.

"Twin boys!" Everyone yelled and ran over giving them a hug even Izuku. I stayed back a hand on my stomach not wanting to be apart of the dog pile.

I was happy for her but I had other things on my mind.

Next morning

5:00 in the morning.

I sat at the kitchen counter writing a note to Izuku.

I had gotten a notification on my phone saying that Dabi was close by.

When I was done I put my pen down and got up grabbing Stains swords and leaving.

Izuku POV

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. I answered not noticing Y/n.

"Hello?" I said tired.

"Midoriya Y/n and Dabi have gotten in a fight and have destroyed half of down town get here fast." Todoroki yelled on the other side. My eyes widened and I looked around not seeing Y/n.

I hung up and got my suit on. I ran out my room to get something small to eat on the way there when I saw a note.

Dear Izuku

If you are reading this I had already left. It's about 5 in the morning and if I'm still not back then I ran into trouble or I'm dead.

I know your freaking out now. Look this has to be done by my hands so we can continue our relationship together. I want all the things you do but we can't if Dabi is still around.

If I end up dead just know I was willing to change everything to have that life with you. I love you more then anything else in this world.


"No no no Fuck!" I said running out my apartment to find her.

But when I got there it was to late. Mark had came to help but him and Y/n are in it all or nothing. Y/n could barely stand and Dabi had gotten closer to her. So Mark got one of the swords stabbing through Y/n and into Dabi they were stuck together. All Y/n did was smile as it went through her shoulder into his heart.

"I dug two graves Dabi not just one." She said as he got off the sword.

"Y/n!" I yelled as Dabi went to attack again. I ran over using black whip and throwing him into a building. I caught her as she was falling over. I fell to my knees holding her.

"Y/n? Y/n can you hear me? Please princess." I said my heart hurting just looking at her.

"You weren't... supposed to be. here."She said breathless. Mark ran over.

"I did what I had to." He said and I wasn't paying attention tears running down my face.

"Don't. cry." She said wiping at my tears replacing them with her blood.

"Midoriya here I can help. Mark is your name right? Take her to a hospital." Todoroki said as he lced up her wounds.

"Of course Mr. Midoriya you need to let go." He said taking my tight grip off her.

"Izuku. let. me. go." She whispered and I did as she asked.

They took her away and Toga appeared. I didn't hesitate to attack them

Later at the apartment.

I had just gotten back from the hospital. They won't tell me anything.

Dabi was found dead and Toga I had killed with my own two hands.

I stood in my apartment my mind racing. That's when I remembered something All Might said in the first fight about Y/n.

"It's just sad to see a good hero become a villain for someone they love." Is what he had said. He was right. I had spilt blood for Y/n and I didn't know if she would make it or not.

I sighed going to the bathroom. I washed my hands and put water on my face. I looked in the mirror sadly. I looked back down to the sink when I saw something in the trash. I leaned over and picked it up.

"A pregnancy test?" I said out loud and flipped it over. My heart breaking even more.


(Two different endings.)

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