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We rushed down stairs and everyone got weapons. The guy that I told off a Month ago finally decided to get revenge for me embarrassing him in front of my whole club.

Instead of my guns I grabbed Stains swords.

He wanted me to watch Izuku die so he sent me the location. We all left together to go get him back.

When we got there we were ambushed.

My hands were tied behind my back when I woke up. I was in a room and nun of my guards were there. It was just me the guys men and him and Izuku.

Izuku was out cold his wound had been opened. I struggled against the rope as the leader walked forward.

"See now you cute little thing. You shouldn't have spoken to me in such ways now your little hero of a boyfriend will die and after that I will fuck you and I will kill you after sound good." He said and I growled spitting out my gag.

"Go to hell." I growled and he sighed getting up from my level. He had a knife and I looked around the room. I saw Stains swords not far away and I smirked. I decided to play along for a bit. He got closer to Izuku and I yelled.

"No please don't please I'm begging you!" I yelled putting on a show. Izuku woke up to my screaming.

"To bad little girl." He said about to stab him.

In a flash of purple light I had broken free and stabbed him with Stains sword in the throat.

"Dumb ass." I said as he fell to the ground. I cut his head off and turned around.

"Who's next." I said and they all attacked me.

After words I was covered in blood and cuts.

I sighed as bodies were all around me. I didn't want to look at Izuku. This was the exact reason why I didn't want him around me or to have a family with me. I put my swords in the holders on my back as the door opened. Mark and the others running to Izuku some to me.

I was ok so I just told them to bring him to the hospital.

They did and I went home to clean up.

In the shower I watched as the blood ran down my body and into the drain. Tears coming to my eyes as I knew what I had to do weather we liked it or not.

I got out the shower and walked over to the closet. First I got dressed and then I started to get all of Izukus things and packed them up.

A hour past and Mark called saying he was ok. I sighed not wanting to do this.

I know this was very small but what if I couldn't do anything and nether could he. It was just a sign.

I sighed sadly as I left telling the boys to deliver his stuff at his moms.

When I got there he was already awake and I had tears already in my eyes.

I walked in his room and stayed near the door.

"Hey my love I was waiting for you to show up." He said a smile on his handsome face.

"I'm stuck in here until the morning I'm so sorry." He said and I looked down. My h/c hair covering my eyes.

"Izuku. We are braking up this time." I said and he got quiet.

"What? No Y/n please don't." He begs his voice already shaky.

"I'm sorry Izuku but it's for your own good. Fucking All Might was right." I said.

"Don't you dear fucking say that Y/n!" He yelled not happy about my choice of words.

"All of your stuff is already moved out." I said turning around to the door. I was going to open it when it was closed by his hand. He had used his quirk to quickly move over to me.

"After everything I have done you better not walk out on me again Y/n." He said angrily. I sniffed.

"Midoriya if you st-." He cut me off.

"Don't say my name like that Y/n. It's Izuku to you." He growled. I sighed my tears falling.

"I have done everything to earn your forgiveness and keep you in my life. I didn't get hurt so it's fine you better not leave me Y/n." He said his voice getting weak.

"You left me once thinking it was for the best and it wasn't please Y/n." He said voice now completely broken.

"I'm sorry Midoriya. Only contact me for the mission." I said opening the door.

"No wait Y/n Please! Please don't leave me again!" He yelled as I walked down the hallway a hand over my mouth as my tears wouldn't stop flowing.

When I got back to my apartment I was a complete mess. I ignored all my boys looking at me as I went upstairs. The whole walk home Izuku had been texting and calling. I didn't answer and I didn't want to look at it.

I went up to my dark apartment and sat on the floor. It now being so dark and cold as it has always been without him here.

My heart hurts so bad from doing that. It feels like it just got ripped out. Only I had did it myself I hurt both of us this way.

I put my head on my knees and cried hard. So hard I have given myself a migraine. 

Mark soon came in my room and sat next to me a arm around my shoulders. I moved leaning against his side.

"M-Mark it hurts." I cried hard. He sighed.

"I know." He said as my body began to shake.

"I hate my life Mark I just wish I could have a normal life or relationship for once!" I cried and yelled in frustration as my throat was now sore.

"How about you take a good while off for your own mental health. I know you haven't properly morned for Stain and now this.... take some time." He said and I looked at him.

"But I-." He gave me a stern look that shut me up.

"I'm serious Y/n with how your mental state is already I'm scared all the emotional pain will do something. So take off another month or two ok I will take care of everything of course run something's by you but please Y/n me or the boys can't watch you hurt yourself like this. We get it but the boys and myself disagree with your choice. We get your reasoning and respect your decision tho." I just nodded as he spoke. Deciding he was right and I did need time off.

"Ok." I said another crying fit starting as he hugged me.

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