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"When does our party start." I asked hanging off him.

"We will see how you feel when we get home." He said and opened the door. Unfortunately for us we didn't go unnoticed. Mina was standing outside the door arms crossed eyebrow raised.

"Really you guys can't handle any time apart can you?" She said and I got embarrassed and picked my cane up. I leaned on it.

"We weren't doing anything Mina." I said she laughed.

"Sure anyway dinner is about to start." Mina said walking away. I grabbed Izukus bicep and we watched her leave. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Ok let's get you some food. I know nether of us ate lunch or well I didn't eat breakfast or lunch." He said walking to the door that I last seen Bakugo and Kiri at. He opened it and no one was there. We walked through and went to find the place were we eat and listen to everyone's speeches. We got there and it was beautiful.

The tables surrounded the dance floor

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The tables surrounded the dance floor. Everyone already got food and was sitting down. Izuku led me to were Bakugo and Kiri were. He pulled my chair out and I wobbly sat down. He leaned over me.

"I am going to get you some food my love I will be right back." He said kissing my head. I had a big grin on my face as I looked at the table.

"You look happy Y/n." Kiri said sitting in front of Bakugo. I blushed at being caught. I sighed because it's just Kiri. I leaned my head on my hand.

"Yeah I am." I said. Bakugo made a disgusted face. Kiri smiled a toothy grin at me.

"Well well my favorite flightless bird is happy with a hero how sad." I heard Dabi say behind me. I was just going to ignore him. When a plate of food was set in front of me.

"Of course she's happy with a hero. From what I have seen you villains only know how to hurt someone not how to love someone." Izuku said sitting down next to me with his own plate.

"You realize that you just said that she can't love anyone." Dabi growled back.

"No I didn't Y/ns not a villain in my eyes." Izuku said and I smiled looking at my food.

"Toya leave them be. You don't want to mess up your brothers wedding now do you." Rei said to Dabi.

"Of course mother." Dabi said and walked off.

After that me and Izuku talked most the time. Unless someone was giving a speech. Izuku did have to speak. So while he was doing that I went to the bathroom. Kiri following. He waited outside as I was doing my thing in one of the stalls. I got out and washed my hands. I leaned on the counter for a second giving some of my muscles a break. I got my pain killer and took it.

"You guys seem happy." I jumped at the voice next to me. I looked and it was Ochaco.

"Fuck you scared me." I said looking away.

"Sorry." She said and it was quiet.

"He seems to love you a lot." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah maybe a little to much." I laughed.

"But I don't mind." I said smiling. She just hummed. I sighed.

"Look Ochaco I'm really sorry. I know I really hurt you." I said not looking at her.

"I don't want your apology. I'm going to get him back no matter what." She said and she left the bathroom. I sighed leaning on the counter. I heard a knock on the door and it opened.

"Y/n can I come in?" Izuku said.

"Yes it's just me." I said. He walked in and walked up behind me. He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed a bit.

"Uh I need to give you another massage when we get back." He said I looked up a bit at him behind me in the mirror.

"You need to give me more then that." I said smirking. He shook his head.

"I know." He said his hands sliding down my back and gripping my hips.

"How about you come dance with me." He asked I smiled.

"Izuku I don't know." I groaned.

"Please just one then we can go home." He said pressing his body against me a bit.

"Alright only for a little bit ok." He nodded kissing my neck.

"Maybe that massage will end differently this time." He said pulling away. I smirked.

"Oh and Todoroki was wondering if they can go to your club for the after party." He asked.

"Of course they are always welcome." I said taking his hand and getting my cane leaning on it.

"They got a nice room at a hotel near by so don't worry it'll just be us." He said as we walked out the bathroom.

Todoroki and Momo just finished there first dance together and now everyone could join.

(Play song up top of you want.)

Izuku took my cane away and dragged me to the dance floor. He had one hand on my waist and the other held mine. I had my other over on his shoulder. We swayed back and forth.

He spun me around and pulled me back to him. My arms wrapped around his neck as he held my waist. I rested my head on his chest listening to the song and his heart beat. We moved back and forth.

To me it felt like it was just us.

Little did we know angry brown eyes watched from afar. Coming up with plans.

(Sorry if that was a little bad. Not good at writing dancing stuff.)

Later that night

I laid in bed at like one in the morning looking up at the stars. Izuku was asleep his naked body laying on mine. His head on my chest arm across my stomach. Since apparently my breast are his favorite pillow. We both were still a little sweaty after our own little party we had. I looked down at him as he snored softly. I smiled feeling my heart ache with how much I love this man. I moved hair that was stuck on his sweaty forehead out the way.

Then Ochacos words popped in my head. I know he loves me but what if she changes somehow. I started to doubt myself. I started to overthink and Dabi in my head wasn't helping.

I didn't want to wake him but the tears started. My heavy breathing woke him.

"Mm Y/n?" When he saw me he was immediately awake.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked sweetly moving my hand out my face. I sniffed.

"Nothing it's stupid." I cried.

"Y/n sweetie it's not stupid if your crying over it." He said wiping a tear away.

"I just. Ochaco said she would take you away from me." I cried as he just listened.

" I love you so much my heart aches and I don't want to lose you again." I cried loudly. He sighed wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. He ran a hand in my hair.

"Y/n I'm not going anywhere and nether are you. She won't get me back I promise." He said kissing my head.

I cried into his chest until my eyes hurt and couldn't stay open. He fell back asleep after I did.

We stayed cuddled up together all night.

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