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It's been almost a month since I officially broke up with Izuku. He has called me and texted but I have just ignored it.

Mark also won't let me work unless I need to. He said I don't get to until he sees improvement in my emotional state. So I have been up in my apartment and haven't left.

My apartment is a mess and some how I have gotten sick. I have a bad fever and I have been throwing up. I am laying on my couch cold as hell and shaky. I was in between being asleep and being awake not noticing that I was cuddling izukus cute teddy bear.

Mark has been taking care of me but his also been working so I have been mostly trying to take care of myself.

I was cold yet I was sweating underneath my blanket. The boys also have made it clear that they miss Izuku.

"Hey Y/n." Mark said now in my apartment.

"Y-yes?" I asked.

"Silver is sending us on a mission. I'm closing the club for a few days until I come back or you feel better. I don't know when or if we will come back so I'm sending someone to take care of you." He said and I nodded.

"I can take care of myself." I said shaking.

"Right when was the last time you fed yourself since you got sick?" He asked and I growled.

"Fuck you." I growled and he just laughed.

"Anyway he will be here soon. Me and the boys are leaving." He said walking away from the couch.

"He? Mark you better have not gotten. And he is gone." I said to myself as I sat up on the couch. I leaned my head on the top of the couch.

I know Mark and with everyone disagreeing with me I know exactly who he got. I rushed off the couch and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

I was so tired and weak after I just stayed in the bathroom.

I fell asleep at the toilet.

A few minutes later.

I woke up a little to someone picking me up. I did grown as I was picked up. I opened my eyes and didn't see much until they closed again. All I know is I was cold and there body heat from who ever felt nice.

A couple of hours later.

"Y/n hey wake up." A familiar voice said shaking my shoulder. I whimpered not wanting to wake up. I opened my eyes a bit as I was moved to sit up. A pillow was set on my lap. I was a little confused as to why when a bowl of soup was sit on it by a familiar scarred hand. I didn't care at the moment my head pounding to much to care.

I sighed taking a sip of the soup as a trash can was also set next to me.

I started eating on one end of the couch as a mess of green curly hair walked into my view. He sat at the other end his own bowl in hand. I took my eyes off him and just looked at my food as I ate it.

Nether of us said a word as we ate. When I was about half way done my stomach wasn't liking it. I leaned to the side putting the bowl on the coffee table. I leaned over the trash can my arm holding me up on the table. My arm was shaking do to how weak I was.

My mouth started to water and soon I was throwing up in the trash. I felt a hand on my back as my hair was pulled out the way. Tears ran down my face as my throat burned. My arm was shaking violently. A arm around my waist pulled me closer to the couch making me let go of the table before I fell. Another hand came up and wiped my mouth. My weak body leaned back against his. I closed my eyes.

"Warm." I whispered as he leaned over me. A hand was then on my forehead.

"God Y/n your burning up." He said laying me on the couch as he got up.

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