A LaRusso Sleepover (14)

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After Cobra Kai won the All-Valley tournament, it wasn't just winning another trophy that changed. The cockiness of Johnny's students seemingly followed their success. Last night at Applebee's wasn't too bad. At least, that's what Kat believed. The attraction of Aisha's Instagram live and "victory nachos" were enough to spark interest in fellow adolescents. Instead of walking to the dojo, as she usually did, she drove her mother's 82' beautiful ruby red corvette.

In the parking lot of the strip of businesses, Kat sat in her car momentarily with her hands gripping the leather-bound wheel. She sighed before stepping out, only to find Eli and Miguel talking to what she assumed were new students. Eli and Miguel with two chubbier teens, must've been around her age. Upon meeting Eli's gaze, she smiled with delight. "Hi, handsome," she purred, directing herself at her boyfriend as he pulled her in for a long, breathless kiss.

"You guys were so good out there! It was so badass," the teen with somewhat short curly ringlets said, his eyes lighting up with admiration for the teens who stood in front of him.

At the excitement of their 'fans,' Eli scoffed, "Damn right we were," he smugly eyed the two boys. "You two want to be Cobra Kai?" He mocked, measuring them up. "Think fast," he warned before throwing a short-lived, sike-out punch in their direction. At the fright on their face, Eli laughed with his chest and jabbed Miguel playfully.

Kat wasn't too impressed with Eli's cockiness. She rolled her eyes and went inside the dojo. Upon entering the dojo, her eyes trailed the tall, dark figure, Cobra Kai's sensei, who marched the room like a shark eyeing his prey. While Sensei Lawrence segregated the new students from the original Cobra Kai, he stared down Miguel and Eli, who stood outside, still talking to the new students.

Sensei became irritated, "Kat, go tell the little shits outside to come in," he demanded. She bit down on her lip and swung the glass door open to bring the teens inside.

"Class is about to start. Get your ass in, now!" She scolded the two.

While the entire room of kids wore their karate uniforms, a bright white gi with white beginner belts, neither Miguel nor Eli had their uniforms on.

Sensei Lawrence cleared his throat. "Any new student here, come back tomorrow with your checkbooks. We aren't accepting walk-ins today." With this, he directed his attention towards Miguel and Eli, who stood tall with their arms behind their backs.

As the 'new' students left, disappointed, Sensei Lawrence glared at his top students, Miguel and Eli. "Did you kick your opponent when he was turned away?" He fumed, his voice loud and abrupt. "Did you attack your opponent's weakness?" The older man gritted his teeth, "that's a pussy move!"

Breathing a sigh of relief after scolding his top students, he turned to Aisha and Kat, who stood side to side near the interrogation. "You have two Cobra's in a jungle, one attacks an injured animal, and another attacks a tiger. Which one do you want to be?"

As if in sync with each other, Aisha and Kat sharply inhaled, looking at the other. Kat shrugged her shoulders, "I guess I would rather be the Cobra that attacks the tiger. It's the stronger animal."

Aisha nodded vigorously, "What she said."

Sensei Lawrence stood straight, looking down at Miguel and Eli, who stood slumped after being berated. "We didn't win right. There will be no more cheating. No more fighting dirty, and from here on out, those are pussy moves, and we are not fucking pussy's!" He grunted, fixing the cloth worn on his forehead. "Miguel, Eli, drop and give me 50 push-ups," he demanded. "And Kat, Aisha, carry the class through today's warm-ups."

As much as Kat didn't enjoy watching her friends do push-ups or get yelled at by their Sensei, she breathed a sigh of relief that there was some accountability being taken. She and Aisha continued to throw straight punches, guiding the class along. In the corner of Kat's eyesight, she watched Miguel and their Sensei talking privately in the backroom. It must've been the result of being humiliated or something, and she shrugged it off.

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