Bloody Hell (39)

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With his message left, Hawk turned away from the bed, his jaw set in a hard line. He couldn't believe the audacity of Robby Keene. He had hurt Kat and caused so much chaos, and yet he had the nerve to write such a letter. The thought of it filled Hawk with a white-hot rage that made his blood boil.

As he walked out of the hospital room, his mind was already making plans. Plans to confront Robby, to make him pay for what he had done. Hawk was ready to fight for Kat, and he would not back down, not when it mattered so much.

Meanwhile, back in the hospital room, Kat had woken up again, her eyes finding the note left by Hawk. She recognized his handwriting instantly, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. For a moment, she forgot about her pain and the chaos that had led her to the hospital bed. She held onto Hawk's words, feeling a warmth spread through her at the thought of him fighting for her.

Without a second thought, she jumped from the hospital bed, and quickly removed the hospital gown that clung to her frail figure. Kat flung the hospital equipment from herself, and gathered her bloodied clothes and threw them back on before the nurses could be alerted.

The young girl fled the room, and ran to the elevator. Across the hallway on a bench sat Ali and Johnny. Kat's eyes widened as she pushed the elevator buttons in a hurry.

"Come on!" Kat heaved, waiting for the elevator to open. The sight of blood on her shirt drew attention from bystanders.

One woman approached the girl. "Are you okay? Are you lost?"

She shook her head with gritted teeth. "No, I'm fine."

The elevator finally opened, and revealed Hawk. He stumbled back at the sight of seeing Kat, with her clothes from the fight worn, and her wrist bleeding through the bandage.

"Oh my god, Kat." Hawk yelled, stumbling back.

Kat whipped her head back to look at Ali and Johnny, but Hawk's sudden outburst drew attention to the two.

His eyes squinted. Johnny made out a figure covered in blood with short blonde hair near the elevator. "Hey, isn't that-"

"Run!" Kat murmured. She ran into the elevator with Hawk and pressed the button to the ground level. "God, Eli. You couldn't have been discreet about my exit?"

He threw his hands in the air in defense. "I didn't even know! I mean, you are fucking bloody and scary looking in a hospital of all places!"

"Touché," she remarked. The elevator beeped open, and the two rushed outside.

Hawk licked his lips and sighed. "Why are we running again?"

"Well," she began. "I tend to run from my problems." Kat admitted.

Sighing, Hawk looked at Kat. "Let's go back to my house. Maybe you can wear something of mine and stay with us for a while."

Kat held back tears that threatened to fall. "I hope your mom is better than mine."

"Ali seems nice. Unless I'm missing something."

With a solemn smile, she held her bloody bandaged wrist. "I could tell you stories I try to forget. What she let my stepfather do to me. That wouldn't change the facts, she left me to fend for myself."

Hawk nodded. "You'll like my mom. Besides, dad's are overrated."

"Damn straight!" Kat exclaimed. "Fuck dad's," she laughed maniacally.

With her wrists bandaged tightly and her clothes stained with dry blood, Kat looked like a character straight out of a horror movie. Despite the circumstances, there was a glint in her eye, a spark of resilience that Hawk found admirable.

They walked together, their footsteps echoing in the quiet street. The neon lights from the nearby establishments cast eerie shadows on their faces, adding a surreal touch to the scene. For a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world, united by their shared experiences and hardships.

As they neared Hawk's house, he looked at Kat out of the corner of his eye. There was something about her that made him feel protective. He had never felt this way about anyone before, not even Miguel. It was a new sensation, a mix of concern and determination. He was determined to keep her safe, no matter what.

Upon reaching his house, Hawk led Kat to his room. She looked around, taking in the posters on the wall and the clutter of clothes on the floor. It was a typical teenager's room, but to her, it felt like a sanctuary.

Hawk rummaged through his closet, pulling out an oversized shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "Here," he said, handing them to Kat. "You can change into these."

Kat nodded, taking the clothes from him. She disappeared into the bathroom to change, emerging a few minutes later in Hawk's clothes. They hung loosely on her frame, but she seemed more comfortable, more at ease.

Sitting down on the edge of Hawk's bed, she looked up at him. "Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."

Hawk nodded, sitting down next to her. "You don't have to thank me, Kat. We're in this together, and I love you."

Kat nodded, her eyes meeting Hawk's. In that moment, they understood each other perfectly. They were two lost souls, trying to navigate through their troubled lives. But now, they had each other, and somehow, that made everything a little bit easier.

The two sat on the twin bed covered in basic plaid sheets. Hawk was the first to speak. "I can't believe Miguel is in a coma. I can't tell you how fucking pissed I am."

"I still can't believe Robby hasn't even tried to contact me. He hasn't asked how I've been, or apologized about Miguel. I hope he knows how much pain he's put everyone through." Kat said in a hushed voice.

Hawk couldn't look Kat in the eyes. Part of him felt guilt for hiding Robby's letter, but he was unforgiving. First, he tried to steal his girl, then he put his best friend in a coma. He got everything he deserves.

"Fuck him. You are better off without someone like Robby."

"Are you sure?" Kat asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"Yes," Hawk said, his voice firm and resolute. "You deserve someone who would fight for you, not someone who runs away when things get tough."

There was a silence, a pause in their conversation. Kat was lost in thought, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a strange comfort in Hawk's words, a sense of reassurance she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Suddenly, Hawk's hand reached out for hers, his fingers intertwining with hers. It was a simple gesture, yet it meant so much. It was his way of saying that he was there for her, that he would stand by her side no matter what.

Slowly, Kat turned to look at him, her eyes meeting his. There was a sincerity in his gaze, a promise of unwavering support. It was a moment of understanding, a moment of silent agreement. At that moment, they both knew that they were in this together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the night wore on, they sat there, hand in hand, lost in their thoughts. Despite the troubles they had been through, they found comfort in each other's presence. In the silence of the night, they found a sense of peace, a calmness that seemed to wash away their worries.

They were two broken individuals, coming together to heal each other. They were bound by their shared experiences, their shared pain. They found solace in each other, a refuge from the chaos of the outside world. And in that moment, they realized that they were stronger together, that they could face anything as long as they had each other.

As the night grew darker, they fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. Outside, the world continued to spin, oblivious to the bond being formed inside Hawk's room. And as they drifted off to sleep, they knew they would face the new day together, ready to confront whatever challenges came their way.

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