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Adi (mv): Shalini eyes were still lingering in my mind, she just logged off without greeting me back

I started to search for my old notes from my study table, She has exam on Wednesday and Friday so I started preparing important notes for her and didn't realize that it was way past 3 in the morning, so I just slept for 3 hours and get myself dressed a little longer than usual and I was waiting for her in front of her college, I beat myself and say that I have started to act like a 20 year old guy crazily wanting his girls attention, when I waiting outside my car I could sense many college girls drooling at me that's when I got a tug in my shoulder.

S: Last night I just drifted away and again I had the same dream of me getting a smooched I tried to slowly open my sleepy eyes that when I could see Adi mama staring at me, I tried to cover up my reaction I just said good night and logged off immediately, I think he must be angry with me for doing so but I was surprised to see him today morning in front of my college, I could see my college girls were drooling at him, I say to myself " sorry girls this man has been taken by my sister better luck next time" and tap him.
S: Hello Mama, what’s up?
A: Nothing much, just dropped by to give you these notes, once you are done with your class, go through these notes and I will be questioning you tonight, and lastly don't try to run today also like yesterday
S: (i gave him a sleepy smile) sorry mama , sure I will.

Adi and Shalini continued with their studies through Zoom call, and slowly Shalini got comfortable with him and was able to grasp easily, Adi was also teaching her very sincerely but he could see her tense suddenly, and realized that she was worried about her exam.

A: Ma, don't worry you will clear this paper easily
S: IS my fear so evident in my face? , it's not for Wednesday's paper mama, I worried for Friday's paper, its way too tough for me
A: Don’t worry Shalini, I have already started to collect important questions for that exam, we will look into it from tomorrow onwards, now you go sleep well and get ready for your first exam " good night, sleep tight"
S: (i got relaxed immediately ) Thanks mama, it helps, see you tomorrow night
Adi was more tensed than Shalini he couldn’t sleep through the night all he wanted to do is be with her during exams, he started to reschedule all his morning meeting to post lunch and kept his calendar clear for the morning session.
A(mv): I want drop her to her exams, will I be mistaken by her parents, what will they think of me if  I just walk in to their house and just ask for Shalini instead of Malini, Oh my god why these things are happening to me all of a sudden I was leading a simple life with no feelings but now I’m running around like a lost puppy, I make up my mind and drove towards Shalini's house, still I can't figure out why am I taking all these risk, being an risk averse person.
A: (knocking her door)
M: Hey Adi what a surprise
A: Hi Malini, can I see Shalini, it’s her exam today and I want to give her a brush up if required.
KK: Hey Adi come inside, Malini go get some coffee for our Mappilai
A: Hello Uncle I just came to  I see Shalini, its her exam today and i want to give her brush up if required, (  i repeated the same when Bini aunty came as well)
M: Oh no Adi, why are you repeating the same thing again and again, i think you are nervous than Shalini for her exam.
S: Amma, I'm ready, I need to go soon so i don't want breakfast, ( i was just running down the stairs and saw Adi in the living room), My God this tutor of mine is really serious regarding my studies chucking to myself.
A: Hi Shalini, don't skip your breakfast. I will drop you to the exam, so before going to college I can also brush up with you one last time, so go have your breakfast now.
M: What Adi, u have just spoiled her entire plan (chucked Malini), she was actually planning to bunk her exam and watch movie with her other friends.(she let it out  loudly getting a death glare from Shalini)
S: That plan was till last week, since Adi mama helped me, I m good to go with my exams, Adi mama come lets have breakfast I have no time for these nonsense and I tried to escape from my parents since my sister let out my previous plan.
KK: Adi thank u for dropping Shalini, at least I will be at peace that she is writing her exam now

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