SIA( two bodies but one soul)

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Sivaangi in Ashwin/ Shalini in Adithya (two bodies and one soul)

Adi jerked as soon as he heard the door knocking, he was very spectacle to open the door but the bang on the door became louder, I didn't want to disturb Shalini and her sleep, so I move forwards and was ready to encounter who ever is waiting for us outside, and opened the door

N: Sir, its me Anitha the duty nurse, ( Adi left out a relief sign) like you said I have changed Shalini's name in the registered and just like u predicted few men's came searching for Shalini's name , but since the name was already changed in her records they left sir.

A: Thank you sister, thank you so much. It means a lot to us.

N: Its ok sir, its also my duty only, my shift is over for today night shift nurse will be coming half an hour late till then please take care of her, I will inform the duty nurse about you both and I m leaving for the day Sir.

A: Sure sister, I will take care of her for now and if we cross this night then I will make sure no harm nears her.

N: Ok sir, please close the door and be safe. I will see you in the morning.

A(pov): I requested the nurse to change Shalini's name in the register so that if anybody comes to check he won't be able to find her, I even switched off our phone and removed the sim, I m still not able to understand who is doing all these thing, first when my marriage was fixed with Malini, her nude pics where floated in whatsapp, since it was a mobbed pics I got it permanently removed from the internet and from other source, now after my visit to Calicut she is getting life threat, some body is really stalking me , I need to get to the root of it before they hurt Shalini, when I was in clouded with my thoughts, I would see Shalini steering up in her dreams, I could see visible strain in her face with her eyes closed, and then to my surprise she woke up yelling my name.

S: Maammaa........mama .... Mama...

A: Ma! I'm here ma, nothing to worry, Ma! Ma! Look at me..( her face was fully traumatized and worried, since her body was badly hurt she wouldn't move freely, so she turns towards my side and touch me to see whether I was for real)

S: ( I woke up from a bad dream, very disturbing and saw Adi next to me, I touched his body to see if he is real or not) Mama, u are ok right, nothing happened to you right( I wouldn't move my self my body was hurting badly but I need to check whether he is hurt or not).

A: Ma! I'm alright nothing happened to me, it's you who met with an accident ma! Your hands and legs are hurt, don't try to move, relax first, I'm fine ma.

S: What happened to me Mama?

A: You met with an accident ma this morning, you were hit by an SUV.

S: I don't remember anything Mama, why are you here where my sister and my parents are?

A: They left ma! I'm taking care of you tonight.

S: what!! ( I was not able to move my body, I really needed to pee and I was very hesitant to ask him) Mama, can you please call the nurse I need ....

A: Ma! Night duty nurses will come late. I will take you to the loo.( I understood that she needs to use the washroom and she was hesitating to ask me, since the night duty nurse is late I carried her in bridal style and made her sit in the communard and asked to finish her cores so that I can pick her back from the toilet, I moved out so that I can give her some privacy and waited for her to call me.

S: Mama, I'm done. Please come.( Adi was very sweet he helped me use the washroom and brought me back to my bed)

A: Shalu ma! Why didnt you tell me that you were receiving death threats, why did you hide from me tell me ma!( I jumped straight to the topic which I was holding for a while)

My Forbidden FruitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora