Guilty trip

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Aditya was praying to all the available God to save his Shalini, having issue in uterus that too in this young age will be very hard on her that too it was not her mistake, he saw his lifeline sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed with the trips running through IV, it pained him to the core to see her like this he mentally cursed himself to put her through this situation, what if something serious had happened to her, he couldn’t afford to lose her so he wanted the person who did this to his Shalini to taste their own mishaps, he calls his medical rep friend and asks for help though he refused to help Adi at first, Adi explained him his situation and his need for revenge, his friend agrees and reaches to hospital to help Adi, after seeing Shalini will all the tube and IV running through her, Adi’s friend hugs Adi and comforts him.

A Fri: Machan! I am really da, we must surely teach a lesson to whoever did this to our sister da, wait let me go speak to the doctor and come.

A: Hmm Seri da.

Adi was looking into the wall thinking about the moments they had together, first time when he held her hand which fitted into his hand like a missing piece, their first kiss which turned out so natural, she was indeed his soul mate they have come a long way from being a stranger to his wife now, they have had their own ups and downs which they have sorted out by all means. except this one, hurting her physically was way beyond his imagination that too for his sake was hunting Adi. Before he could do anything, he must safeguard Shalini from the evil eye for which he had made some plans to keep Salini safe.

S pov: The lights above me was disturbing my sleep, I was trying hard to open my eyes but it all left heavy and dozy, that’s when I remember that me and Adi were making out in our bed room when we were finally taking our relationship to next level I kind of dozed off suddenly and then I couldn’t remember anything, was it all a dream I couldn’t figure it out, with at most difficulty I could open my eyes to see the ceiling above me it was not our bed room, when I averted my eyes towards my left I could see Adi sleeping leaning on the chair holding my hands, that when I realized that I am in a hospital wing, guilt was engulfing me with all its best, I failed to be his wife in the very first attempt, so like Aditi said I couldn’t keep up with my man’s expectation and needs, I wish I could be a woman who can act to his expectations and pleasure him the way every men wanted. I hope that Adi is not embarrassed, every possible negativity was running high in my over thinking brain, with tears rolling over me I still could see that Adi has not let go of my hands even in his sleep, not sure to feel happy and lucky to have this man in my life or to curse myself to hurt him like this, at the back of my mind something was keep on telling me that I need to let go of Adi for his own good, I am not the right person for him.

My love for Adi is so deep and strong I was willing to let go my Adi for keeping him happy and satisfied people may think I am stupid to take this decision, but sex is part of life and messing with that will only lead to dissatisfaction and displeasure, I want my Adi to be happy and satisfied.,

no no no noooooo not happening he is my Adi and only mine we will get through this somehow like we always did, it's just my overthinking brain making me to think like this, Adi can't live without me so i am we will be hurting us further only

S: Adi …. Adi…

A: What ma! Are you ok now, is it hurting you! Tell me Shalu tell me

S: Adi … I am fine, please I want some water. My throat is hurting.

A: Here, have some water, do you feel better now?

S: yeah much better, how long are we here! Where is kala ma and appa.

A: it's been two hours, Shalu ma! None of them know what happened to you and without discussing with you I will not tell them anything trust me ma!.

S: I trust you Adi, lets keep this within ourselves and can we go home now please, I am not feeling comfortable here please take me home.

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